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Delivering comprehensive coverage of state politics, Statehouse Insider offers engaging news, insightful analysis, and behind-the-scenes stories, making the complexities of the state legislature accessible and interesting to the general public.

Entries in this blog

Major Legislative Votes Loom in Rhode Island and Texas

As lawmakers across the country tackle critical issues, two major pieces of legislation have moved to the forefront in Rhode Island and Texas, sparking heated debates in their respective legislatures. The Expanding Affordable Housing Programs Act in Rhode Island and the Back the Blue Act in Texas have garnered widespread attention and strong opinions on both sides of the aisle as they head towards a vote. Rhode Island: Expanding Affordable Housing Programs Act Moves to a Vote In Rhode


TedderBear in Statehouse Watch

Governor Henry Caldwell's Inaugural Address Sets Ambitious Agenda for Ohio

Columbus, OH – In a ceremony marked by optimism and unity, Henry Caldwell was inaugurated as the Governor of Ohio, delivering a compelling address that outlined his ambitious agenda for the state's future. His speech, greeted with enthusiastic applause from supporters and dignitaries alike, emphasized economic growth, educational reform, healthcare accessibility, public safety, and the importance of unity. Governor Caldwell's address began with an acknowledgment of Ohio's rich history and a comm
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