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Federal Laws

Category Law Option Notes
Economic Policies
Minimum Wage Low The federal minimum wage is currently set at $7.25 per hour, which is above the poverty line but not considered a living wage in many areas.
Corporate Tax Rates Medium The corporate tax rate was reduced to 21% by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which is considered moderate.
Income Tax Rates Medium The U.S. has a progressive income tax system with rates ranging from 10% to 37%.
Farm Subsidies Extensive The U.S. provides extensive subsidies to farmers through various programs in the Farm Bill.
Social Policies
Health Insurance Mandates Limited The Affordable Care Act requires individuals to have health insurance, but the individual mandate penalty was reduced to $0 in 2019.
Public Health Initiatives Moderate The U.S. funds a variety of public health programs through agencies like the CDC and NIH.
Affordable Housing Limited The federal government provides some funding for affordable housing through programs like Section 8, but it is not comprehensive.
Gay Rights Equal Rights LGBTQ+ individuals have federal protections, including marriage equality and non-discrimination in employment, housing, and services.
Abortion Rights Restricted Abortion rights vary by state, with some states imposing significant restrictions and others maintaining more access.
Education and Public Services
School Funding Low The federal government provides funding for education through programs like Title I, but the majority of funding comes from state and local sources.
Public Transit Funding Low The federal government provides some funding for public transit, but it is generally limited and varies significantly by region.
Student Loan Forgiveness Limited There are some federal loan forgiveness programs for specific professions and income levels.
Environment and Energy
Renewable Energy Moderate The U.S. provides moderate subsidies for renewable energy projects through tax credits and grants.
Environmental Regulations Moderate The U.S. has comprehensive environmental regulations through the EPA, but enforcement and strictness can vary.
Criminal Justice and Public Safety
Prison Reform Limited There have been some reforms, but the system remains largely focused on incarceration.
Police Funding High The federal government provides significant funding to police departments through various grants and programs.
Drug Policy Decriminalization Marijuana is decriminalized or legal in many states, but federal law still classifies it as illegal.
Gun Control Limited Background checks are required for gun purchases, but there is no federal waiting period, and assault weapons are not banned nationwide.
Immigration and Social Policies
Immigration Selective The U.S. has varying levels of cooperation with federal immigration authorities, with some areas adopting sanctuary policies with impunity.
Zoning Moderate Zoning laws are primarily managed at the state and local level, but there are some federal guidelines and regulations.


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