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Governments (DO NOT CHOOSE)
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  2. Mr. Speaker, We owe it to the people of Texas to do everything we possibly can to keep them safe, and this bill does that. This bill puts more law enforcement officers on our streets and highways. It gives them the tools they need to fight crime. It secures our southern border from the influx of trafficking – both drugs and people – coming in from Mexico. Middle-of-the-pack isn’t good enough here in the Lone Star State. Not when we face threats we couldn’t have even imagined when I was growing up, stuff like cartel violence and fentanyl pouring into our state. The status quo isn’t enough anymore. We must do more. It’s time to Back the Blue. I yield.
  3. Jamal Bennett (D-IL) votes Aye William Granger (R-AL) votes Nay
  4. Governor Kayley Brennan (D-OH) The state legislature is now gaveled to order to debate this bill for 72 hours.
  5. Governor Kayley Brennan (D-OH) Time for debate has concluded. The legislature is now gaveled to order to vote on final passage this bill for 72 hours.
  6. Title: Back the Blue Act State: Texas The law the bill will change:: Police Funding Effect of the change:: Raise Sponsor: Kyle Fitzgerald (R-TX) This bill increases police funding in Texas from Moderate to High. Specifically, this bill: 1) Provides grants to local law enforcement agencies for the following purposes: Hiring and retention of law enforcement personnel, including incentives Purchasing new vehicles, communications technology, and safety equipment Developing community policing initiatives and officer training programs 2) Provides additional funding and equipment for DPS Highway Patrol for the following purposes: Hiring additional highway patrol officers Purchasing advanced surveillance technology and new patrol vehicles Upgrading officer equipment, including body armor, firearms, and communications systems 3) Provides additional funding to the Texas Rangers for the following purposes: Improve investigative capabilities Hire more personnel Acquire equipment necessary for complex criminal investigations related to human trafficking, drug smuggling, and organized crime 4) Provides additional funding to border security operations for the following purposes: Increase the budget for Operation Lone Star Additional funds for the construction and reinforcement of physical barriers along the Texas-Mexico border, covering costs associated with land acquisition, material procurement, and labor for the construction and maintenance of a border wall. View full bill
  7. OOC: I know this was already answered on Discord but answering here too for others. Yeah, you can debate and vote as if it were your own state. The results of the vote are ran through a proportional voting calculator to determine the realistic results the state the bill was introduced for.
  8. (ooc: can we debate/vote on bills in other states, or is it just in our state?) @TedderBear
  9. Madam President, I stand against this program. Expansion of housing vouchers will not solve the problem of unaffordable housing. These are demand-side-targeted solutions, but what we need are solutions that aim to increase the supply. All this will do is stimulate demand further and continue the wild inflation in housing costs we are currently seeing. This is a short-sighted solution arrived at because it’s the easiest thing politicians can do to say they are solving the issue, but a truly effective solution requires more effort and care. This will only increase costs on taxpayers and consumers more broadly. Also, Madam President, I believe it is time to end debate. I yield. @TedderBear
  10. Governor Kayley Brennan (D-OH) The state legislature is now gaveled to order to debate this bill for now less than 72 hours.
  11. Title: Expanding Affordable Housing Programs Act State: Rhode Island The law the bill will change:: Affordable Housing Effect of the change:: Raise Sponsor: Anna Baker View full bill

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