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Caldwell for Ohio Radio Ad (Ad)

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Character: Henry Caldwell
Media Market: Wheeling-Clarksburg-Parkersburg, WV
Ad Type: Level 1 Ad Buy ($100k)
Target Voters: Conservatives
Election: Pilot Test (July 2024)
Candidate Supporting: Henry Caldwell

[Background Music: Patriotic instrumental music softly playing]

Narrator (calm, confident voice): "Attention Ohio voters in Belmont, Guernsey, Harrison, Jefferson, Monroe, Noble, and Washington Counties... This is Henry Caldwell, and I’m running for Governor to put Ohio first."

[Sound effect: American flag gently waving]

Henry Caldwell: "I believe in a strong Ohio, built on conservative values. Together, we’ll create jobs, protect our freedoms, and ensure a prosperous future for our children."

Narrator: "Henry Caldwell has the experience, integrity, and commitment to lead Ohio. Join us in supporting a proven leader who shares our values."

Henry Caldwell: "With your vote, we can make Ohio a place where families thrive and communities prosper. Let’s get to work!"

Narrator: "Vote Henry Caldwell for Governor. Strong leadership for a stronger Ohio."

[Sound effect: Patriotic music swells, then fades out]

Narrator (fast, legal disclaimer): "Paid for by Caldwell for Ohio. Visit caldwellforohio.com for more information."

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