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Rally for Fairness (Rally)

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Character: Kayley Brennan
City/County: Hamilton County (OH) - Cincinnati
Target Voters: Moderates
Election: OH Governor (July 2024)
Candidate Supporting: Kayley Brennan

  • During my time spent working for downtrodden people in need of charity, it became apparent to me that many of them are just like you and me. They’re totally normal people who just caught a couple bad breaks and then kept getting beat down by the system for it. Especially thanks to Ohio’s lack of services for its most vulnerable citizens, it’s hard to get back on your feet when life throws you a sucker punch. We should strive to be better as a state, and as Governor, I will be a champion for struggling Ohioans. 
  • Housing costs are through the roof right now. This is a result of greedy, shady development and rental practices and bad policy that encourages and enables it. Working families are feeling the squeeze, especially young people just starting out, including our sons and daughters just starting life. They can’t start families or get an education because they can barely afford to simply live. As Governor, I will enact rental assistance and act as a watchdog willing to stop greed and victimizing practices on the part of rental corporations. 
  • The same is true of healthcare costs in Ohio. We have the resources to do better for our most vulnerable citizens, but due to Republican politicians’ greed, we aren’t using them. I will enact stronger healthcare reform legislation, bringing Ohio into the 21st Century and joining many other states in expanding access to healthcare for our poorest. 

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