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Dark Secret Rules


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  • VGS Admin

Players may submit ONE Dark Secret for their character by creating a thread with your character's name here.  This Dark Secret will be graded and approved by the Administrative Board with a commensurate reward determined by the severity of the secret and the risk of it being leaked. Upon receiving your Dark Secret Score, you may then use your score to secretly upgrade your Special Talents levels by replying in your character's Dark Secrets thread.



You submit in your Dark Secrets post...
Senator John Johnson (D-MI)
Dark Secret: "Senator Johnson has carried on two affairs with women in Washington D.C. One woman is a lobbyist for a firm with ties to Johnson's donors. The other is a college student at George Washington University who works part-time at a movie theater. He routinely provides them with upwards of $500 per month in gifts and cash. His Chief of Staff and driver are aware of his dalliances."
Vulnerability: Level 2 (player determined)

The Admins Reply to the above with... 
Severity Grade: Level 2 (AB graded)
Dark Secret Score: 3 Levels

You can then reply to this with something akin to the following...
Senator John Johnson (D-MI)
Secret Special Talents Boosts:
+ 1 Level to Rhetorician
+ 2 Levels to Regular Joe

Dark Secret System
Severity + Vulnerability = Dark Secret Score
Score of 2 = 1 additional level for Special Talent
Dark Secret Score of 3 = 2 additional levels for Special Talent
Dark Secret Score of 4 = 3 additional levels for Special Talent
Dark Secret Score of 5 = 4 additional levels for Special Talent
Dark Secret Score of 6 = 5 additional levels for Special Talent

Vulnerability (Player determined)
Level 1: Annual dice roll. If number comes up 2, dark secret exposed
Level 2: Biannual dice roll. If number comes up 2, dark secret exposed.
Level 3: Quarterly dice roll. If number comes up 2, dark secret exposed

Severity (AB graded)
Level 1: Past affairs or minor offenses
Level 2: Severe personal scandal or recent minor offense (DUI, sexual affair)
Level 3: Illegal activity, felonies, misdemeanors, abusive behavior, High Crime


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