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Q4 2023 Market Share Report


The media landscape going into Q1 2024 reflects a highly competitive environment, with five key NPC outlets vying for influence across multiple age demographics. Each outlet captures a unique portion of the market, with specific strengths and weaknesses across the various age groups. The following report details the market share distribution for Generation Z, Millennials, Generation X, Baby Boomers, and the Silent Generation, providing players with insights on where each outlet stands.

News Outlet Gen Z (12-24) Millennials (25-39) Gen X (40-54) Baby Boomers (55-74) Silent Generation (75+)
CNN 15% 18% 22% 30% 25%
Fox News 8% 10% 20% 40% 55%
The New York Times 25% 28% 20% 15% 5%
Breitbart 7% 7% 13% 10% 10%
American Pulse Podcast 45% 37% 25% 5% 5%


Generation Z (12-24)

  • Dominant Outlet: "The American Pulse" Podcast holds a commanding 45% share, as this digital-savvy, younger generation strongly gravitates toward podcast formats and interactive, on-demand content. The podcast’s modern approach and fresh discussions on current events have made it highly popular with Gen Z.
  • Key Competitors: The New York Times (25%) offers a blend of progressive content and in-depth investigative journalism, appealing to socially aware, young readers. CNN captures 15% of this demographic with its moderate and broad-based news coverage.
  • Player Tip: If your target demographic includes Gen Z, adopting podcast formats or aligning with progressive outlets like The American Pulse and The New York Times will yield the best engagement.

Millennials (25-39)

  • Dominant Outlet: Again, "The American Pulse" Podcast is highly influential, capturing 37% of this market. Millennials value convenience and digital-first platforms, which explains the strong preference for this podcast.
  • Key Competitors: The New York Times (28%) remains a leading source of news for Millennials due to its liberal views and thorough reporting. CNN (18%) follows as a major player, offering balanced, televised news that still resonates with Millennials.
  • Player Tip: To attract Millennials, consider focusing on digital media strategies and in-depth policy discussions. Podcasts and social media campaigns can be powerful tools.

Generation X (40-54)

  • Dominant Outlet: CNN leads with 22%, appealing to Generation X’s mix of traditional and modern media consumption habits.
  • Key Competitors: "The American Pulse" Podcast captures 25% of this market, showing significant penetration in this group as well. The New York Times maintains a strong foothold at 20%, with Fox News close behind at 20%.
  • Player Tip: Generation X is more evenly split between digital and traditional outlets. This demographic group respects outlets seen as having integrity and a history of independent journalism.

Baby Boomers (55-74)

  • Dominant Outlet: Fox News is by far the most dominant force, holding 40% of the Baby Boomer market. Baby Boomers heavily favor its conservative political slant and traditional TV format.
  • Key Competitors: CNN follows with 30%, appealing to Boomers seeking a more moderate view of politics and current events. The New York Times holds a smaller share (15%) but still remains relevant with progressive Boomers.
  • Player Tip: For Baby Boomers, traditional television-based approaches and aligning with conservative views will yield the best results, particularly if you're competing with Fox News.

Silent Generation (75+)

  • Dominant Outlet: Fox News reigns supreme with 55% market share, demonstrating its stronghold over older, conservative audiences.
  • Key Competitors: CNN holds 25%, catering to a more moderate audience within this age group. Both The New York Times and "The American Pulse" Podcast have minimal presence in this demographic, capturing only 5%.
  • Player Tip: This generation values traditional, established media sources. If targeting the Silent Generation, focus on conservative or moderate outlets with a strong television presence.
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