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2023: The Year of Leftist Overreach and What’s at Stake in 2024
Q4 2023


As we look back at 2023, it’s clear that this year was marked by leftist overreach, radical policies, and the continued assault on American values by the Biden administration and the progressive elites that control Washington. From the failure to secure our borders to the attack on traditional values, 2023 exposed the dangers of a far-left agenda that is pushing our nation to the brink. But 2024 is just around the corner, and Americans have a choice to make: continue down the path of economic ruin, open borders, and cultural decay, or fight back and restore the America we know and love.

Here’s a look at the key stories from 2023 and what’s at stake in the year ahead.


The Border Crisis: A Nation Under Siege

Without question, one of the biggest failures of the Biden administration in 2023 has been the continued border crisis. With illegal crossings at historic highs, our southern border remains wide open, thanks to the administration’s refusal to enforce immigration laws and its obsession with dismantling Trump-era policies like Remain in Mexico and Title 42.

What does this mean for the American people? It means drugs, crime, and human trafficking are flooding into our communities. It means more fentanyl overdoses and more violence at the hands of criminal cartels that have taken advantage of Biden’s weakness. It means American workers are being displaced by an influx of cheap labor, further driving down wages for hardworking citizens.

States like Texas and Arizona have borne the brunt of Biden’s open borders policies, with Governor Greg Abbott leading the charge to defend his state and America by deploying the National Guard and constructing barriers where the federal government has failed. But make no mistake: this isn’t just a border state issue—this is an American issue, and it’s one that we cannot ignore as we head into 2024.

The big question for 2024: Will Americans demand a return to law and order, or will Biden and his radical allies continue to endanger our communities with their reckless open-border policies?


The War on American Values: Gender Ideology and Woke Culture

2023 was the year the far left doubled down on its war against American values. Across the country, we saw radical gender ideology being pushed in our schools, with the Biden administration leading the charge to promote transgenderism to our kids. From the “Don’t Say Gay” bill fight in Florida to school districts across the nation adopting critical race theory and gender fluidity programs, it’s clear that the left is bent on indoctrinating the next generation with its dangerous ideology.

But the fightback has been strong. Parents across America are waking up to what’s happening in their children’s classrooms, and they’re pushing back. The grassroots movement to protect parental rights, driven by governors like Ron DeSantis and leaders of organizations like Moms for Liberty, has put the far-left agenda on notice: our kids are not your political pawns.

Heading into 2024, the culture war will be one of the defining issues. Will we allow radical ideologues to continue brainwashing our children with gender confusion and anti-American propaganda, or will we stand up for our traditional values and protect our families?


Economic Struggles: Bidenflation and Big Government Failure

As the Biden administration poured trillions into wasteful government programs, Americans have been left to deal with the real-world consequences of Bidenflation. Prices for groceries, gas, and housing have skyrocketed, making it harder for families to make ends meet. Small businesses—the backbone of the American economy—are struggling under the weight of inflation and regulatory overreach, while Biden’s focus remains on pushing a Green New Deal agenda that will destroy jobs and raise energy prices even further.

The Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes have hit homeowners and prospective buyers especially hard, making it nearly impossible for many Americans to buy a home. Meanwhile, large corporations continue to rake in profits, cozying up to the Biden administration’s policies, which prioritize woke capitalism over the free market.

Americans need real solutions—less government, lower taxes, and a return to free-market principles—not the bloated, top-down economic policies of the Biden administration.

The big question for 2024: Will voters hold the Biden administration accountable for the economic disaster it has created, or will we allow the left to continue dragging our economy down with their disastrous policies?


Crime on the Rise: The Defund Movement’s Legacy

Thanks to the “defund the police” movement championed by far-left Democrats, crime in American cities has continued to spiral out of control in 2023. Cities like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles have seen an explosion of violent crime, as liberal prosecutors and mayors refuse to hold criminals accountable and instead focus on progressive policies that prioritize criminals over victims.

The consequences of this lawlessness are clear: more murders, more assaults, more property crime. The victims? Everyday Americans who simply want to live in peace and safety. Instead of addressing these concerns, the Biden administration has doubled down on its anti-police rhetoric, further demoralizing law enforcement and encouraging the breakdown of law and order.

But across the country, states with Republican leadership—like Florida and Texas—have shown that there is a better way. By supporting law enforcement, passing tough-on-crime laws, and resisting the woke agenda, these states have remained beacons of safety in a country gripped by chaos.

Heading into 2024, crime will be a central issue, and Americans must decide: do we stand with law enforcement and demand law and order, or do we continue allowing liberal cities to be overrun by crime?


The 2020 Election: A Stolen Presidency?

No discussion of 2024 can take place without looking back at the 2020 election, which many conservatives believe was stolen. Despite widespread concerns about election integrity, the mainstream media and the political establishment continue to dismiss the legitimate questions millions of Americans have raised about voter fraud, mail-in ballots, and unconstitutional election changes in key swing states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Arizona.

The fact remains: President Trump won the hearts and minds of millions of Americans in 2020, yet due to irregularities and questionable practices, Biden was declared the winner. This has left millions of Americans feeling disenfranchised and questioning whether their vote truly matters.

The fight for election integrity has been front and center since that fateful election, with states like Texas and Georgia passing strong voter ID laws and other reforms to ensure that 2024 doesn’t repeat the mistakes of 2020. But the threat of election manipulation remains, especially with Democrat-run states continuing to push for mail-in ballots and other practices that undermine election security.

In 2024, the question of election integrity will be front and center. Will we see a free and fair election, or will the left once again use underhanded tactics to rig the system?


The Global Stage: Biden’s Weak Foreign Policy

On the international front, 2023 was another year of American weakness under Biden’s foreign policy blunders. His administration’s tepid response to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war has shown the world that America’s leadership is faltering. While the Biden administration continues to pour billions into Ukraine, Americans are left asking why we aren’t addressing the problems here at home. What happened to America First?

Meanwhile, the escalating Israel-Palestine conflict revealed yet again the Biden administration’s inability to stand firm in support of our allies. Instead of offering unwavering support for Israel, the only true democracy in the Middle East, Biden’s team wavered, emboldening Palestinian militants and failing to act decisively when Israel needed it most.

As China continues to flex its muscle on the global stage, Biden’s weakness has put America in a dangerous position. The CCP’s growing influence, combined with Biden’s lack of strong leadership, has left our nation vulnerable.

Heading into 2024, voters will need to ask themselves: do we want a strong, assertive America on the world stage, or will we allow the Democrats to continue weakening our global standing?


The Battle for 2024: America’s Future Hangs in the Balance

As we look ahead to the 2024 presidential election, the stakes couldn’t be higher. President Trump remains a strong contender to take back the White House and restore America First policies that put our country and our people before globalist interests. But other strong leaders, like Ron DeSantis, have emerged to carry the mantle of conservative values, fighting back against the woke left and defending traditional American values.

2024 will be a battle for the soul of America. Will we continue down the path of open borders, economic failure, and cultural decay, or will we reclaim our nation’s founding principles of freedom, law and order, and limited government?

Breitbart will be there every step of the way, keeping you informed and fighting for the truth as we head into what could be the most important election of our lifetime.

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