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Madison for Missouri (Fundraiser)


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Character: Samuel William Madison
City/County: St. Louis County (MO) - St. Louis Suburbs

- Samuel W. Madison is fighting for a freer Missouri that ensures a better business climate primed for growth and opportunity. 
- Madison supports lowering taxes, including moving away from harmful income taxes and eventually joining states like Texas, Tennessee, and Mew Hampshire in having no state personal income tax. He also supports lowering corporate income taxes, empowering job creators to invest and grow in the Show Me State. 
- Madison supports robust infrastructure investment that takes advantage of Missouri’s natural resources and geographical position in the center of the country. He will continue to support investment in better roads and bridges while building out Missouri’s energy production capacity. 
- Madison is also working to oppose crime, from murder and rape to organized retail theft chains that make Missouri’s cities more dangerous and destroy lives and economic opportunity every day. He will oppose efforts to defund the police and work to bolster the criminal justice system statewide, from small towns in the Ozarks to big metropolitan cities like St. Louis and Kansas City. 
- Samuel W. Madison will oppose destructive progressive policies that force intrusive government solutions on the economy and exacerbate social issues and crime in the name of leftist ideology. 

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