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S.006 | Hamas Condemnation Resolution


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Mr. SIZEMORE (for himself) submits the following

Condemning the terrorist organization Hamas.

Whereas the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States provides the right to free speech, to peacefully assemble, and to practice one’s religion without fear of persecution;

Whereas the First Amendment does not provide the right to engage in defamation, or to threaten or incite violence in support of the ideology of terrorist organizations;

Whereas there have been protests across the United States in support of Hamas in the wake of the ongoing conflict between Israel and terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip;

Whereas the majority of protests have been peaceful assemblies in support of Israelis and Palestinians;

Whereas a small minority of individuals has used the conflict to sow animosity and violence in support of terrorist groups such as Hamas;

Whereas Hamas is a terrorist organization, supported by the current Iranian regime, dedicated to destroying the Jewish state of Israel through any means necessary;

Whereas Hamas does not protect or support the Palestinian people, but uses them to shield its weapons and militants;

Whereas Israel, exercising its right to self-defense, uses its military to shield its people;

Whereas antisemitism is fundamental to the principles of Hamas, whose heinous attacks led to the single worst mass killing of Jews since the Holocaust;

Whereas constructive dialogue on peaceful co-existence between Palestinians and Israelis has been co-opted by Hamas to further create division between the majority of the Palestinian and Israeli people who are simply seeking a peaceful and prosperous life; and

Whereas terrorist organizations, acts of terrorism, and the misinformation perpetrated by terrorist organizations should never be defended or sympathized with: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senate—

(1) condemns the October 7, 2023, attack on Israel and the Jewish community by the terrorist organization known as Hamas;

(2) recognizes that religious freedom is a universal human right;

(3) encourages respect for the right of individuals to peacefully assemble and practice their religion freely without perpetrating violence on others;

(4) acknowledges the right of Israel to defend and secure its nation;

(5) acknowledges the effort that must be made by Palestinians and Israelis to reach a resolution that opposes the objectives of terrorist organizations and creates prosperity for all individuals in the region; and

(6) reaffirms the commitment of the United States to oppose all forms of terrorism.

Edited by Baudin

Truman Sizemore
United States Senator for Pennsylvania


"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose."
– Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President of the United States

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  • Baudin changed the title to S.006 | Hamas Condemnation Resolution

Madam President,

I rise today to express my support for the resolution and to speak unequivocally in favor of Israel’s right to defend itself against terror. Hamas has repeatedly shown its willingness to use violence and terror to further its political aims, targeting innocent civilians and undermining any efforts toward peace in the region. These actions are not only inexcusable but also directly attack the principles of security, stability, and peace.

As a strong ally of Israel, the United States must stand by its side in the face of such threats. Israel has every right to protect its citizens from violence, and we must continue to support its efforts to ensure the safety and security of its people. The bond between our two nations is built on shared values of democracy, freedom, and a commitment to peace. But as we offer this unwavering support, we must also acknowledge the broader context in which this conflict exists.

While we condemn Hamas for its acts of terror, we cannot ignore the profound humanitarian crisis facing the people of Gaza. The siege-like conditions, the lack of basic necessities, and the desperation that fuels extremism must also be addressed. Many of the people in Gaza are caught between a rock and a hard place - between the occupation and the terror of Hamas - and they deserve better.

We cannot let condemnation be the only message we send. Israel’s security and pursuit of a just, lasting peace are not mutually exclusive. Both must be part of our policy moving forward. This is why I call on my colleagues to support diplomatic efforts that work toward a two-state solution, providing both Israelis and Palestinians with security, sovereignty, and peace. 

We must be clear: condemning Hamas is critical, but peace cannot be achieved by military means alone. It requires bold leadership, commitment to dialogue, and, most importantly, addressing the root causes of violence and despair. We must work together to rebuild Gaza’s infrastructure, offer humanitarian aid, and create economic opportunities for its people. Only through such efforts can we begin to break the cycle of violence and offer hope for a peaceful future.

Madam President, our responsibility is not just to condemn terror. It is to build a future where terror has no place.

With that, I yield.


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Madam President,

I stand in firm support of the right of the State of Israel to defend itself from the barbaric terrorist organization known as Hamas. This terrorist organization murdered 1,139 people, including 815 civilians. These monsters killed young people at a music festival. This organization is evil in every sense of the word and the time is now, as it has always been, to stand with the state of Israel.

We must make clear to the American People that Hamas is evil and must be defeated. Our universities have become unsafe for Jewish students because of rallies of hate, cultivated by deliberate efforts to delegitimize the Israeli State. This is unacceptable and must be roundly condemned. I am hopeful to see 100 members of this chamber declare their undivided support for Israel’s right to exist and fight the scourge that is Hamas.

I motion for unanimous consent.

I yield.

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Madam President,


I was the U.S Ambassador to Israel during the first term of former president Obama. I was serving during the first war in 2008-2009 and the second war in 2012 between Israel and Hamas. I know full well the utter lunacy of the situation at hand. The world called for Israel to use restraint and now that I am no longer in the foreign service and no longer stifled, I can say that is nonsense. This current war is now the largest since the Yom Kippur War, thousands are dead, thousands more wounded, a million displaced in Gaza, over 500,000 during the earlier beginnings in Israel, all because of this damned death cult.

We must stand with Israel as they stood for us on 9/11. October 7th will go down as the most brutal act of terror against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. We Americans understand this tragedy and we understood what we had to do in the War on Terror to bring those to justice for the deaths of thousands of Americans.

Israel is our ally, Israel is our friend, Israel is one of our best relationships in the Middle East. We must call out what Hamas has done is utter evil, this chamber must recognize this crime of ethnic cleansing.

Therefore, I move to amend the resolution to include the following:



 Be it further resolved, that the U.S. Senate:

  1. Explicitly recognizes the actions committed by Hamas on October 7th as war crimes and crimes against humanity.
  2. Calls upon the international community to pursue accountability for Hamas leadership through all available legal mechanisms.


I yield the floor.

Sarah Avraham

Senator for California

Press Office/Voting Record

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12 minutes ago, Avner said:

Madam President,


I was the U.S Ambassador to Israel during the first term of former president Obama. I was serving during the first war in 2008-2009 and the second war in 2012 between Israel and Hamas. I know full well the utter lunacy of the situation at hand. The world called for Israel to use restraint and now that I am no longer in the foreign service and no longer stifled, I can say that is nonsense. This current war is now the largest since the Yom Kippur War, thousands are dead, thousands more wounded, a million displaced in Gaza, over 500,000 during the earlier beginnings in Israel, all because of this damned death cult.

We must stand with Israel as they stood for us on 9/11. October 7th will go down as the most brutal act of terror against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. We Americans understand this tragedy and we understood what we had to do in the War on Terror to bring those to justice for the deaths of thousands of Americans.

Israel is our ally, Israel is our friend, Israel is one of our best relationships in the Middle East. We must call out what Hamas has done is utter evil, this chamber must recognize this crime of ethnic cleansing.

Therefore, I move to amend the resolution to include the following:

I yield the floor.

Mr. President,

I accept the amendment as friendly, and yield the floor.

Truman Sizemore
United States Senator for Pennsylvania


"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose."
– Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President of the United States

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