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  • Game Master

All characters are welcome to write an editorial for any of the current IC news outlets, including NPC and player outlets. If the editorial is approved by the admin team, it will be moved into the appropriate thread in the Fourth Estate to be included in publication. All submissions should be in the form of a written editorial (or at least soundbites). If the news outlet wants to interview you later, they will ask you.

Note that the admin team has approval power of whether the editorial is published, not the player or NPC that owns the outlet. As a member of the public airwaves, your audience is available to all public figures - even those your audience despises (not that they would want to waste their time with your audience anyway if that is the case).

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Reason: (Ex. Why I Love Our Presidents) 

[Bullet points/brief outline of talking points during appearance.]


Here's a copy of the old format for spin zones. 



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