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S.008 | Abraham Accords Science and Medical Research Collaboration Act


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Mrs. Avraham (for herself) submits the following


Section 1: Short Title

This Act may be cited as the "Abraham Accords Science and Medical Research Collaboration Act."

Section 2: Findings

Congress finds the following:

  1. The Abraham Accords represent a historic normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab nations, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan.
  2. Enhanced cooperation in science, technology, and medical research can promote peace, stability, and innovation in the Middle East and beyond.
  3. Collaborative efforts between the United States and the Abraham Accords member countries in scientific research and medical advancements can accelerate healthcare, biotechnology, environmental science, and cybersecurity progress.
  4. Joint research and development (R&D) can address pressing global challenges, including pandemics, climate change, and renewable energy.

Section 3: Establishment of the Abraham Accords R&D Initiative

(a) Program Establishment – The Secretary of State, in coordination with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of Energy, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), shall establish the Abraham Accords R&D Initiative to:

  1. Promote joint research and development in scientific and medical fields between the United States and member countries of the Abraham Accords.
  2. Facilitate cooperation between public and private institutions, universities, research centers, and industries from the U.S. and Abraham Accords nations.

(b) Priority Areas for Research – The initiative shall prioritize research and development in the following fields:

  1. Medical and Health Research, including studying infectious diseases, cancer treatment, mental health, and innovative therapies.
  2. Biotechnology, such as gene editing, medical devices, and pharmaceutical innovation.
  3. Environmental Science, focusing on climate change adaptation, renewable energy, water management, and sustainable agriculture.
  4. Cybersecurity and Information Technology, including AI, data protection, and digital health.
  5. Space Science and Technology, fostering collaboration on space exploration and satellite research.

Section 4: Grants and Funding Mechanism

(a) Competitive Grants Program – In collaboration with relevant federal agencies, the Secretary of State shall establish a competitive grants program to fund joint U.S.-Abraham Accords scientific and medical research projects.

  1. Grants shall be awarded to research partnerships that include institutions from the United States and one or more Abraham Accords countries.
  2. Applicants must demonstrate the potential for their projects to advance knowledge in priority areas, strengthen diplomatic ties, and deliver tangible benefits to public health or scientific advancement.

(b) Public-Private Partnerships – The program shall encourage partnerships between government agencies, private industry, and academic institutions to:

  1. Leverage private sector expertise and investment to support joint research initiatives.
  2. Foster commercialization of new technologies and medical treatments developed through collaborative research.

(c) Joint Research Facilities – Funds may be allocated to support the establishment of joint U.S.-Abraham Accords research centers or laboratories in the Middle East or the United States designed to facilitate ongoing collaborative efforts.

Section 5: Capacity Building and Knowledge Exchange

(a) Scholarship and Exchange Programs – The Secretary of State, in collaboration with the Department of Education, shall expand scholarship and exchange programs that:

  1. Enable scientists, researchers, and students from Abraham Accords countries to study and collaborate in the United States.
  2. Facilitate U.S. students and researchers who are participating in joint projects or exchanges in the Abraham Accords countries.

(b) Workshops and Conferences – The Secretary of State, in coordination with scientific agencies, shall sponsor international workshops, symposiums, and conferences to:

  1. Promote sharing best practices, research findings, and technological innovations between the U.S. and Abraham Accords countries.
  2. Foster cross-cultural understanding and cooperation in addressing shared global challenges.

Section 6: Coordination and Oversight

(a) Interagency Working Group – The President shall establish an interagency working group, co-chaired by the Secretary of State and the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to:

  1. Coordinate U.S. government efforts to advance scientific and medical collaboration under the Abraham Accords.
  2. Ensure that R&D initiatives are aligned with U.S. foreign policy objectives and contribute to regional peace and stability.

(b) Annual Report to Congress – The Secretary of State shall submit an annual report to Congress detailing:

  1. The status of U.S.-Abraham Accords R&D projects, including funded research, partnerships formed, and progress made in priority areas.
  2. The economic, scientific, and diplomatic impacts of the collaborative research initiatives.
  3. Any recommendations for expanding or improving U.S. engagement with Abraham Accords countries in science and medicine.



PES: This legislation seeks to deepen scientific, medical, and technological collaboration between the United States and the nations of the Abraham Accords, fostering innovation, diplomacy, and mutual benefit through joint research and development efforts.


Edited by Baudin

Sarah Avraham

Senator for California

Press Office/Voting Record

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  • Baudin changed the title to S.008 | Abraham Accords Science and Medical Research Collaboration Act

Madam President,

I am proud to address the chamber on the Abraham Accords Science and Medical Research Collaboration Act. While it is rare for me to commend former President Trump, as a Jewish-American and a proud Zionist and believer in the State of Israel, I commend him for creating the Abraham Accords, an agreement of peace which saw Israel sign agreements between the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan. Madam President, peace is the greatest weapon against warfare and terrorism; it is the most incredible tool to create bonds between people, especially in a region that has not known peace for quite some time. Yet peace must not be at the governmental level; it must be embraced and celebrated by the people. This bill creates bonds through science and medical research collaboration; what is stopping nations of the Abraham Accords from discovering the cure for cancer? As the nation who helped push negotiations, we must ensure that these accords last so that the future generations of Israel, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan can hold their heads up high and say not one bad thing about each other but many positive things in the name of peace.

I yield.

Sarah Avraham

Senator for California

Press Office/Voting Record

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Mr. President,

The Abraham Accords were a groundbreaking achievement forged by the Trump Administration that has strengthened Israel's position in the region while promoting peace with various powers that previously questioned the place Israel has in the world. In this time of global upheaval, I am glad to see that both sides of this chamber can agree that the Abraham Accords were historic in nature, groundbreaking in practice, and capable of being built on to further peace in the region and strength for our ally Israel.

In order to further expand the potential of the Abraham Accords, I believe the establishment of a special envoy within the Department of State will allow the United States to spearhead new and innovate approaches to furthering the ideals set forward by former President Trump in securing a peaceful and more prosperous future for all. 

I offer the following amendment (with thanks to Mr. Lawler):


Section 7: Special Envoy for the Abraham Accords.

Title I of the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 is amended by adding at the end the following new section:

“SEC. 64. Special envoy for the Abraham Accords.

“(a) Special envoy for the Abraham Accords.—There is established within the Department of State a Special Envoy for the Abraham Accords (in this section referred to as the ‘Special Envoy’), who shall serve as the primary advisor to, and coordinate efforts across, the United States Government relating to expanding and strengthening the Abraham Accords. The Special Envoy shall report directly to the Secretary of State and shall hold the office at the pleasure of the President.

“(b) Nomination.—Pursuant to subsection (j)(1) of section 1, the Special Envoy shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and may be appointed from among the officers and employees of the Department except that such officer or employee may not retain the position (or the responsibilities associated with the position) held by such officer or employee prior to such appointment simultaneously with the position or responsibilities of the Special Envoy.

“(c) Rank and status of ambassador.—The Special Envoy shall have the rank and status of ambassador.

“(d) Duties.—The Special Envoy shall be responsible for—

“(1) encouraging countries without diplomatic relations with Israel to establish formal diplomatic, economic, security, and people-to-people ties;

“(2) seeking to expand and strengthen existing relationships between Israel and Muslim-majority countries, including those outside the geographic scope of the Near Eastern Affairs Bureau of the Department of State, to ensure that all parties reap tangible security and economic benefits for their citizens;

“(3) building on existing efforts, including the Negev Forum, to help foster enhanced cooperation between Israel and Muslim-majority countries on shared priorities including as relates to trade, agriculture, and water security;

“(4) providing diplomatic support for Israel’s integration into cooperative efforts related to regional security; and

“(5) coordinating lines of effort across the United States Government, including the regional and functional bureaus within the Department of State, and conducting appropriate diplomatic engagement with foreign governments, nongovernmental organizations, and other stakeholders determined appropriate by the Special Envoy in order to expand and strengthen the Abraham Accords.

“(e) Report.—

“(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after the date of the confirmation of the first Special Envoy appointed pursuant to this section, and annually thereafter, the Special Envoy shall submit to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a report describing all United States efforts to expand the Abraham Accords, including specific diplomatic engagements and status of efforts with respect to specific countries.

“(2) FORM OF REPORT.—The report required by paragraph (1) shall be submitted in unclassified form but may contain a separate, classified annex.”.

I yield.

Edited by DMH
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