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H.R. 001 | Lake Erie Algae Action Initiative Act of 2024

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In the House, sponsored by Congressman Latta of Ohio

Text of the Bill

The Lake Erie Algae Action Initiative Act of 2024 directs the federal government to establish a coordinated approach to mitigate harmful algae blooms in Lake Erie and other affected regions by balancing environmental conservation with the interests of agriculture and tourism.


Key Provisions:


Lake Erie Algae Action Task Force: Creates a multi-stakeholder task force including federal, state, local officials, scientists, farmers, and tourism industry representatives to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy for reducing algae blooms and minimizing their impact on the region’s economy and environment.

Incentives for Sustainable Agriculture Practices: Establishes a grant program through the Department of Agriculture to incentivize farmers and agricultural businesses to adopt practices that reduce nutrient runoff, including the use of cover crops, buffer strips, and precision agriculture techniques. Authorizes $50 million annually for fiscal years 2025-2030 for these grants.

Water Treatment Infrastructure Improvements: Authorizes grants for local governments to upgrade water treatment facilities and emergency response systems to remove algae toxins from drinking water and improve recreational water quality. Provides $100 million annually for fiscal years 2025-2030 for these improvements.

Public Education Campaign: Directs the Secretary of Commerce to create a public education campaign to inform the public about the causes and risks of harmful algae blooms, promote water safety, and encourage sustainable tourism practices.

Research and Development Fund: Establishes a fund under NOAA to advance scientific research on harmful algae blooms, improve forecasting models, and develop innovative methods for nutrient runoff reduction. Authorizes $25 million annually for fiscal years 2025-2030. 

Reporting and Accountability: Requires the Lake Erie Algae Action Task Force to submit annual progress reports to Congress, detailing the effectiveness of the programs and providing recommendations for future actions.


The bill authorizes appropriations for fiscal years 2025 through 2030 to carry out its provisions and aims to ensure a sustainable balance between environmental stewardship and economic vitality in Lake Erie and its surrounding regions.


The House will debate the following legislation for 72 hours. 

 B A U D I N

Congressional and Legislative Administrator

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