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  • Mi Canto es para Ti

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    (Verse 1)
    Bajo la luz de las estrellas,
    Te canto con todo mi ser.
    Cada nota es un suspiro,
    Que nace solo por ti.

    Mi canto es para ti, amor,
    Es un regalo de mi corazón.
    Con cada acorde te digo,
    Que eres mi inspiración.

    (Verse 2)
    Desde el amanecer hasta el anochecer,
    Mi voz te quiere abrazar.
    En cada melodía, mi amor,
    Encuentras mi verdad.

    Mi canto es para ti, amor,
    Es un regalo de mi corazón.
    Con cada acorde te digo,
    Que eres mi inspiración.

    Y si alguna vez te pierdes,
    Sigue el eco de mi voz.
    Te guiará en la distancia,
    Hasta donde esté yo.

    Mi canto es para ti, amor,
    Es un regalo de mi corazón.
    Con cada acorde te digo,
    Que eres mi inspiración.

    Bajo la luz de las estrellas,
    Mi canto es para ti.


    (Verse 1)
    Under the light of the stars,
    I sing to you with all my being.
    Each note is a sigh,
    That is born only for you.

    My song is for you, my love,
    It is a gift from my heart.
    With each chord, I tell you,
    That you are my inspiration.

    (Verse 2)
    From dawn until dusk,
    My voice wants to embrace you.
    In every melody, my love,
    You find my truth.

    My song is for you, my love,
    It is a gift from my heart.
    With each chord, I tell you,
    That you are my inspiration.

    And if you ever get lost,
    Follow the echo of my voice.
    It will guide you in the distance,
    To where I am.

    My song is for you, my love,
    It is a gift from my heart.
    With each chord, I tell you,
    That you are my inspiration.

    Under the light of the stars,
    My song is for you.


    Recording Studio: Legacy Recording Experience ($50,000) Marketing Budget: None ($0)

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    • Game Master

    This week, your song debuts at an impressive #18 on the Billboard chart! It has generated $638,242 in revenue this week. Keep up the great work!

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