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Song Reviews posted by TedderBear

  1. Quality over quantity is a good rule of thumb on the game. Play around with your suno prompts a bit more. Similar sounding vocals to your other songs would really help here.

  2. I'm torn here. These lyrics are poignant and giving me Hans Zelmerlow vibes. But I think Suno let you down a bit here with the chorus. The guitar solo is nice, but it doesn't quite make up for the mediocre chorus for me.

  3. I can't quite put my finger on it, but the lyrics here aren't working for me. Still a banger, the chorus deserves at least 2 stars. Looking forward to what else is coming from this artist!

  4. Great first song! Very chill for EDM, I like it. "Neon" is a bit of a cliche for AI music, I bet we'll see quite a few using a similar concept lol.

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