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Everything posted by TedderBear

  1. This week, your song rises to #15 on the Billboard chart! It has generated $990,670 in revenue this week.
  2. This week, your song rises to #32 on the Billboard chart! It has generated $422,174 in revenue this week.
  3. Thank you. Sorry about that back and forth but I'm glad we got it sorted out.
  4. Tour Name: Shattered Illusions Artist: Celeste Hart City/County: Davidson County (TN) - Nashville Song #1: Sunset Boulevard Song #2: Eternal Flame Song #3: Frozen in Time View full gig
  5. Davidson County (TN) - Nashville
  6. Approved, masked, and added to the Senate Roster. Welcome back! You now have access to edit your post to update the state in the bio.
  7. To create your own news outlet, post the following information as a reply to this thread. If approved, I will then move that post to create your outlet's thread in the Fourth Estate forum. Outlet Name: Choose a unique and recognizable name for your media outlet. Political Alignment: Select your outlet’s political stance (e.g., left-leaning, right-leaning, neutral). Focus: Declare your intention to do news deep dives, entirely partisan commentary, interviews, etc. Target Audience: Choose which age demographic(s) your outlet will focus on. Logo: Upload a logo for your outlet (optional).
  8. The Player Media System enables players to create and operate their own media outlets, competing for influence across various age demographics. By producing news content and shaping public opinion, player media outlets play a significant role in elections, political dynamics, and overall public discourse. Age Demographics Players will compete for market share across five key age demographics, each with distinct preferences in media consumption. Tailoring content to these groups will be crucial to growing your outlet’s influence. Generation Z (12-24) Preferences: Engages most with podcasts, social media content, and digital-first platforms. Content Focus: Social justice issues, climate change, pop culture, and progressive political coverage resonate with this group. Preferred Formats: Podcasts, video clips, viral online content. Millennials (25-39) Preferences: A mix of traditional and digital media. This group is highly engaged in politics, social issues, and technology. Content Focus: Policy deep dives, investigative journalism, and lifestyle content. Preferred Formats: Podcasts, multimedia news articles and reports. Generation X (40-54) Preferences: A balance of traditional and digital media, consuming both long-form articles and real-time coverage of current events. Content Focus: Politics, financial news, family-oriented stories, and career advice. Preferred Formats: Written news articles, talk shows, online editorials. Baby Boomers (55-74) Preferences: Heavily reliant on traditional media formats, but increasingly using digital platforms for news. Content Focus: Political analysis, world events, and opinion pieces. Preferred Formats: Written news articles, opinion editorials, broadcast-style content. Silent Generation (75+) Preferences: Primarily consumes traditional media such as newspapers and television news. Content Focus: Conservative political commentary, historical retrospectives, and world affairs. Preferred Formats: Written articles, television news-style content. Media Outlet Creation Starting a Media Outlet Players may create a media outlet by submitting the following: Outlet Name: Choose a unique and recognizable name for your media outlet. Political Alignment: Select your outlet’s political stance (e.g., left-leaning, right-leaning, neutral). Target Audience: Choose which age demographics your outlet will focus on. Content Formats Players are free to choose any format for their media content, but it will perform better if you respect the medium it represents: Written News Articles: Posted directly in the forum. Podcasts: Must upload or link to an MP3 file. Videos: Requires a hosted video file linked or embedded in the post. Note: Long scripts posing as podcasts or video content are discouraged. Content should adhere to the actual format you portray it to be. With that being said, written news articles are considered the standard and you can still have a successful outlet by doing text only. Activity Requirements Content Production For a successful news outlet, it is recommended to produce at least one piece of content per in-game quarter. To maintain your outlet’s market share, you must produce at least one piece of content per in-game year. Failure to meet this minimum requirement will result in significant market share erosion as NPC outlets and competing player media fill the void. Market Share Growth Consistently producing relevant, engaging content that resonates with your chosen demographic is key to growing your market share. Focus on creating content that taps into the interests and issues that matter most to your audience. Media Planning Center Player media outlets will gain access to the Media Planning Center forum. This forum, visible to only admins and approved media outlets, is where you will find the rumor mill and bid on important events. You're also welcome to create your own thread for planning future articles & saving formatting. In addition to posting articles to NPC news outlets, admins will post minor IC happenings on the ground that isn't being currently covered by NPC media outlets, provide public polling, give NPC quotes, etc. This forum will be the primary fuel for players' news articles/pieces. The first player media outlet to break the news found here is often well rewarded. Additionally, news outlets can bid on events such as Presidential debates, etc. Endorsements and Political Influence Endorsements Media outlets can endorse political candidates in elections. The effectiveness of endorsements will depend on how much market share your outlet holds within the key voter demographics. Endorsements should reflect the political leanings of your outlet and target audience for maximum impact. Influencing Elections & Public Opinion Through timely coverage, political analysis, and investigative journalism, media outlets can shape public perception of candidates and influence election outcomes. A strong media presence across multiple demographics can sway voter opinion, making your outlet a key player in the national conversation. Player Collaboration and Competition Collaborations Media outlets can collaborate with one another on major stories or coverage of significant events. Joint ventures can be beneficial for expanding your reach across multiple demographics. Rivalries Healthy competition between media outlets is encouraged, and players are free to engage in rivalries, challenge each other’s coverage, or break stories ahead of their competitors. Remember that all content must adhere to the game’s overall tone and guidelines. Success as a Media Outlet There is no single path to victory in the player media system. Success may take various forms, including: Gaining a dominant market share in one or more key demographics. Becoming a trusted source for political endorsements and shaping election outcomes. Breaking major stories ahead of NPC outlets or other players, establishing your outlet as a major player in the media landscape. The Player Media System allows for the most immersive interaction with the game world that we have seen in VGS to date, giving players the chance to influence the direction of events and public opinion. Use your media outlet to shape the narrative, cover breaking news, and become a key player in the national political scene!
  9. Q4 2023 Market Share Report Overview The media landscape going into Q1 2024 reflects a highly competitive environment, with five key NPC outlets vying for influence across multiple age demographics. Each outlet captures a unique portion of the market, with specific strengths and weaknesses across the various age groups. The following report details the market share distribution for Generation Z, Millennials, Generation X, Baby Boomers, and the Silent Generation, providing players with insights on where each outlet stands. News Outlet Gen Z (12-24) Millennials (25-39) Gen X (40-54) Baby Boomers (55-74) Silent Generation (75+) CNN 15% 18% 22% 30% 25% Fox News 8% 10% 20% 40% 55% The New York Times 25% 28% 20% 15% 5% Breitbart 7% 7% 13% 10% 10% American Pulse Podcast 45% 37% 25% 5% 5% Analysis Generation Z (12-24) Dominant Outlet: "The American Pulse" Podcast holds a commanding 45% share, as this digital-savvy, younger generation strongly gravitates toward podcast formats and interactive, on-demand content. The podcast’s modern approach and fresh discussions on current events have made it highly popular with Gen Z. Key Competitors: The New York Times (25%) offers a blend of progressive content and in-depth investigative journalism, appealing to socially aware, young readers. CNN captures 15% of this demographic with its moderate and broad-based news coverage. Player Tip: If your target demographic includes Gen Z, adopting podcast formats or aligning with progressive outlets like The American Pulse and The New York Times will yield the best engagement. Millennials (25-39) Dominant Outlet: Again, "The American Pulse" Podcast is highly influential, capturing 37% of this market. Millennials value convenience and digital-first platforms, which explains the strong preference for this podcast. Key Competitors: The New York Times (28%) remains a leading source of news for Millennials due to its liberal views and thorough reporting. CNN (18%) follows as a major player, offering balanced, televised news that still resonates with Millennials. Player Tip: To attract Millennials, consider focusing on digital media strategies and in-depth policy discussions. Podcasts and social media campaigns can be powerful tools. Generation X (40-54) Dominant Outlet: CNN leads with 22%, appealing to Generation X’s mix of traditional and modern media consumption habits. Key Competitors: "The American Pulse" Podcast captures 25% of this market, showing significant penetration in this group as well. The New York Times maintains a strong foothold at 20%, with Fox News close behind at 20%. Player Tip: Generation X is more evenly split between digital and traditional outlets. This demographic group respects outlets seen as having integrity and a history of independent journalism. Baby Boomers (55-74) Dominant Outlet: Fox News is by far the most dominant force, holding 40% of the Baby Boomer market. Baby Boomers heavily favor its conservative political slant and traditional TV format. Key Competitors: CNN follows with 30%, appealing to Boomers seeking a more moderate view of politics and current events. The New York Times holds a smaller share (15%) but still remains relevant with progressive Boomers. Player Tip: For Baby Boomers, traditional television-based approaches and aligning with conservative views will yield the best results, particularly if you're competing with Fox News. Silent Generation (75+) Dominant Outlet: Fox News reigns supreme with 55% market share, demonstrating its stronghold over older, conservative audiences. Key Competitors: CNN holds 25%, catering to a more moderate audience within this age group. Both The New York Times and "The American Pulse" Podcast have minimal presence in this demographic, capturing only 5%. Player Tip: This generation values traditional, established media sources. If targeting the Silent Generation, focus on conservative or moderate outlets with a strong television presence.
  10. Political Slant: Moderate/Center-Left Focus: Admin-ran podcast discussing current events, political analysis, and interviews with political figures. Key Demographics: Millennials, Generation Z, and some Gen X
  11. Political Slant: Far-right Focus: Far-right conservative news, commentary, and political coverage. Key Demographics: Generation X, Baby Boomers, and a smaller Gen Z following
  12. Political Slant: Liberal Focus: In-depth investigative journalism with a liberal slant, focused on policy, social justice, and global issues. Key Demographics: Millennials, Generation X, some Baby Boomers
  13. Political Slant: Conservative Focus: Conservative commentary and political analysis. Popular among right-leaning viewers. Key Demographics: Baby Boomers, Silent Generation, and some Gen X.
  14. Political Slant: Moderate/Center-Left Focus: Balanced coverage with a slight left-lean. Known for breaking news and in-depth political analysis. Key Demographics: Generation X, Baby Boomers, Silent Generation
  15. The Republican seat from New Hampshire has already been claimed. What would be your next choice?
  16. Please include the bio points spent in a new post (you won't be able to edit your original post until approved) and tag me to get approved. Thanks!
  17. Approved, masked, and added to Senate Roster. Welcome back!
  18. Approved, masked, and added to Senate Roster. Welcome back!
  19. Approved, masked, and added to Senate Roster. Welcome back! I went ahead and gave you the class III seat so you're not facing re-election in 2024.
  20. Absolutely. Masked and approved. You now have access to edit your post if you want to update the biography to change the state only.
  21. Approved, masked, and added to Senate Roster. Welcome back!
  22. Biography of Senator Robert Albion Name: Robert Franklin Albion Seat: U.S. Senator for Ohio (Republican) Party: Republican Avatar: Valéry Giscard D’Estaign Major Caucus: Mainstreet Republican Committee Special Talent: Lion (Boost to Legislative Influence) GENDER: Male: 0 points AGE: 70 years old: -5 points SEXUALITY: Straight, married with 3 children: -5 points RACE/ANCESTRY: White/Caucasian: 0 points RELIGION: Roman Catholic: 0 points EDUCATIONAL HISTORY: Bachelor’s Degree from a non-Ivy public university: 5 points Law degree from a top university: 5 points SOCIOECONOMIC HISTORY: Middle Class upbringing: 15 points CAREER HISTORY: Enlisted Military Service: 0 points Commissioned Officer: 10 points Lawyer: 10 points Business Executive (founded a mid-sized law firm in Ohio): 20 points POLITICAL EXPERIENCE HISTORY: State Legislature Term (upper house, Ohio Senate): 6 points (3 terms) U.S. House of Representatives: 9 points (3 terms) U.S. Senator: 10 points (2 terms, current) Senate Subcommittee Chair: 6 points (2 Congresses) Senate Committee Chair: 10 points (2 Congresses) KEY VOTES: 109th Congress (2005-2007) | Dominican Republic–Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR): Voted Yea Explanation: As a pro-business Republican, Albion supported free trade agreements that benefited U.S. businesses and enhanced economic ties with Central America. 110th Congress (2007-2009) | Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007 (H.R. 976): Voted Nay Explanation: Albion was cautious about expanding government healthcare programs, viewing this as a step toward broader government intervention in health care. 111th Congress (2009-2011) | Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010: Voted Nay Explanation: Although Albion later shifted on certain social issues, he voted in line with conservative views at the time, opposing the repeal of DADT in the military. 112th Congress (2011-2013) | American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012: Voted Yea Explanation: Albion supported tax relief measures and was pragmatic about avoiding the "fiscal cliff," despite some elements of the bill that raised taxes on high-income earners. 113th Congress (2013-2015) | Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013: Voted Nay Explanation: As a strong proponent of stricter immigration controls, Albion opposed this bipartisan effort, viewing it as too lenient on immigration reform. 114th Congress (2015-2017) | USA FREEDOM Act: Voted Yea Explanation: Albion supported the balance between protecting civil liberties and ensuring national security, voting in favor of this revision of the Patriot Act that limited mass data collection. 115th Congress (2017-2019) | Health Care Freedom Act of 2017: Voted Yea Explanation: Albion backed efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), advocating for market-driven healthcare solutions and fewer government mandates. 116th Congress (2019-2021) | Trump Impeachment Articles I and II: Voted Nay Explanation: Albion remained loyal to his party’s stance on impeachment and viewed the charges against President Trump as politically motivated and lacking sufficient grounds for removal. AWARDS AND EXTRAS: Published a political memoir: 10 points Related to a Famous Person (a cousin of a former Ohio governor): 20 points Total Points: 100 --- Senator Robert Albion: A Life of Service and Pragmatic Conservatism Robert Albion, the long-serving Republican Senator from Ohio, has spent his career walking a fine line between staunch conservatism and pragmatic bipartisanship. Born in Akron, Ohio, in 1954, Albion grew up in a working-class neighborhood, where he learned the value of hard work, family, and faith. His parents were devout Roman Catholics, and it was in their modest home where Albion developed a deep commitment to public service and his Catholic faith, two forces that would drive much of his career. Early Life and Education Albion’s upbringing was typical of middle-class Midwestern families in the 1950s and 60s. His father, a machinist at a local factory, worked long hours to provide for the family, while his mother stayed home to care for Robert and his three younger siblings. Though they lived modestly, the Albions never lacked for what mattered most: love, discipline, and a strong moral foundation. His parents taught him that success came through dedication and sacrifice, and that one’s duty to community was just as important as personal ambition. Academically gifted, Robert excelled in school, eventually earning a scholarship to Ohio State University, where he majored in Political Science. After graduation, Albion felt a call to serve his country, leading him to enlist in the military. Serving as a commissioned officer, he honed the leadership skills that would later define his political career. After his service, he attended Georgetown University Law Center, where he earned his law degree, setting him on a path to blend his legal expertise with his passion for public service. Launching His Career: Law and Politics Returning to Ohio after law school, Albion joined a local law firm but soon felt constrained by the limitations of private practice. He wanted to be part of something larger and more impactful. In 1983, he founded his own law firm, specializing in corporate litigation and government affairs. Over the years, Albion built a reputation as a savvy and respected lawyer, representing businesses throughout Ohio and advocating for policies that would strengthen the state’s economy. It was during this time that Albion became more involved in politics, realizing that the issues affecting Ohio's industries needed a stronger voice in the state legislature. Encouraged by local Republican leaders, Albion ran for the Ohio State Senate and won in 1994, beginning what would become a long and distinguished career in public office. As a state senator, Albion was known for his pragmatic approach. Though he was fiscally conservative and an advocate for small government, he also understood the importance of compromise and working across the aisle to achieve tangible results for his constituents. Albion’s time in the state legislature established him as a thoughtful, diligent lawmaker. He helped craft legislation that promoted business growth, protected workers’ rights, and modernized Ohio’s aging infrastructure. His ability to bridge gaps between different factions of the Republican Party, as well as between Republicans and Democrats, earned him the respect of his colleagues and the trust of his constituents. His reputation as a moderate conservative helped him secure three terms in the Ohio Senate. A New Chapter: The U.S. House of Representatives In 2006, at the age of 52, Albion decided to take the next step in his political career, running for Ohio’s 15th Congressional District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. His platform focused on revitalizing Ohio’s manufacturing sector, reducing government regulation, and bolstering national defense. Albion's deep roots in Ohio, combined with his successful legal and state political career, gave him the edge in a competitive race, and he won by a comfortable margin. During his three terms in the House, Albion worked tirelessly on behalf of his district, championing legislation that benefited Ohio’s businesses and workers. A proponent of free-market principles, he supported tax cuts for small businesses and advocated for lowering regulatory barriers that he believed were stifling economic growth. At the same time, Albion was keenly aware of the social challenges facing his district, which had been hit hard by the decline of manufacturing and the opioid epidemic. He pushed for bipartisan measures aimed at economic recovery and workforce retraining programs, believing that government had a role to play in helping citizens adapt to the evolving economy. Albion’s pragmatic conservatism became a hallmark of his political ideology during these years. He aligned with his party on key fiscal and national security issues but was willing to break ranks when necessary. One of his most notable moments came during the 2008 financial crisis, when Albion voted in favor of a bipartisan bailout package designed to stabilize the financial system. Though many conservatives opposed the measure, Albion defended his vote as a necessary step to prevent an economic catastrophe that would have disproportionately affected middle-class families in Ohio and across the country. The U.S. Senate: A Career of Influence In 2012, Albion made the leap to the U.S. Senate, winning a hard-fought race to represent Ohio. His moderate stances and pragmatic approach to policy allowed him to appeal to a broad range of voters, from conservative Republicans to centrist independents. As a senator, Albion quickly rose through the ranks, earning a seat on key committees, including the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Finance Committee. Albion’s time in the Senate has been marked by his ability to navigate the complex dynamics of an increasingly polarized political environment. He has maintained his commitment to fiscal conservatism, advocating for balanced budgets, reduced government spending, and tax reform. At the same time, he has continued to prioritize bipartisan solutions, especially when it comes to national security and economic issues. One of Albion’s key legislative achievements came in 2017 when he played a pivotal role in passing a comprehensive tax reform bill that lowered corporate tax rates and simplified the tax code for small businesses. He argued that these reforms were essential to making American businesses more competitive globally, and that they would lead to greater investment and job creation in states like Ohio. However, Albion has also been willing to push back against the more hardline elements of his party. In 2013, he voted against the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, a comprehensive immigration reform bill supported by some Republicans. Albion believed the bill did not go far enough in securing the nation’s borders and that it granted amnesty too easily to undocumented immigrants. This vote solidified his reputation as a politician who balanced party loyalty with principled decision-making. Family and Faith Through it all, Robert Albion has remained deeply committed to his family and his faith. He has been married to his wife, Margaret, for over 40 years, and together they have raised three children, all of whom are successful in their own right. His Catholic faith continues to be a guiding force in his life, shaping his views on social issues and providing him with a moral framework for his public service. Albion often speaks of his faith as a source of strength and wisdom, particularly during the most challenging moments of his career. Looking Forward As Albion enters his 70s, he shows no signs of slowing down. His experience, combined with his pragmatic and moderate conservatism, makes him a respected elder statesman in the Senate. He continues to focus on issues that matter to his constituents—strengthening national defense, promoting economic growth, and protecting individual liberties. In an era of increasing political division, Robert Albion stands out as a leader who believes in the power of compromise and common-sense solutions, a voice of reason in an often chaotic political landscape. Whether shaping national policy or serving the people of Ohio, Robert Albion remains steadfast in his commitment to the values he learned growing up in Akron: hard work, service, and faith.
  23. Approved, masked, and added to Senate Roster. Welcome back!
  24. Approved, masked, and added to Senate Roster. Welcome back! Note that in our Senate roster, there is no class 2 Senate seat. Therefore, I've given you the Class III seat so you aren't facing re-election until 2028.
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