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Posts posted by SWMissourian

  1. Character: Samuel William Madison
    City/County: Jackson County (MO) - Independence, Kansas City

    Samuel Wesley Madison held a fundraiser with local business leaders, Republican officials and elected office holders, Missouri special interest groups, conservative activists, and prominent donors. 

    Madison highlighted his support for police and safer communities and stricter law enforcement against violent crime. He discussed his wish to move Missouri away from income taxation. He talked about the dangers of big government (and even large corporations who might collude with the government) infringing on free speech and constitutional rights. He promised to protect Missourians’ Second Amendment rights during his time in office and to work to create a pro-growth business climate that took advantage of Missouri’s geographical and economic strengths. 

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  2. Madam President, ((Assuming that is proper))

    I applaud my colleague from (insert state equivalent but credit to @TexAgRepublican) for introducing this legislation. I have consistently supported increased police funding and support during my time in the Missouri General Assembly. I continue to feel strongly on this subject; crime is a terrible affliction our country suffers. Millions every year are harmed directly or indirectly; even those who aren’t murdered, robbed, raped, abducted, assaulted, or threatened nonetheless suffer due to the decisions and lack of opportunities they face because of the possibility that they will be. At the same time, we have pulled back on law enforcement. Police are lacking resources, facing hiring shortages, and struggling to keep their communities safe. 

    Therefore, I call on every member of the General Assembly to enthusiastically support this bill. The safety of our people from brutal thugs and gang bosses is of paramount importance. As a Missourian, the crime situation out of our great cities, especially St. Louis, is a national embarrassment. It doesn’t just affect our own people, nor just the people of St. Louis. Just recently, we had the heartbreaking case of a young girl who traveled to St. Louis for a sports competition, and an out of control, criminal driver, who I believe was under the influence, had a past history, and should’ve been in prison, destroyed her life. It goes beyond St. Louis and its immediate communities. The crime problem exists all over our state, including in my hometown of Springfield. We must do more to combat it, and this is the first step. 

    I yield. 

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  3. Character: Samuel William Madison
    City/County: Greene County (MO) - Springfield

    Samuel William Madison held a fundraiser in his home county of Greene County, Missouri, inviting local and state business leaders, party officials, and conservative activists to the dinner. 

    Aside from mingling with attendees, Madison also spoke to all attendees, giving a speech over microphone. He promised to continue fighting for conservative policies in the state of Missouri, including greater school choice, income tax cuts, tough-on-crime policies, and streamlined bureaucracy. 

    Madison also promised to fight for Missouri values, pledging to oppose any new gun control laws, support efforts to ban Critical Race Theory from being taught in public schools, protect religious freedom, and uphold protections and conventions based on biological sex, not gender identity. 

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  4. Title: Rogue Prosecutor Control Act
    State: Missouri
    The law the bill will change:: Prison Reform
    Effect of the change:: Lower
    Sponsor: Samuel William Madison

    A Bill

    To propose an amendment to the Missouri Constitution allowing for the suspension of municipal, county, and state prosecutors 

    Proposed Amendment to the Missouri Constitution:

    Article: Executive Suspension and Removal of Prosecutors

    Section 1: Authority of the Governor

    The Governor of Missouri shall have the authority to suspend any prosecutor at the municipal, county, or state level for:

    - Dereliction of duty
    - Gross negligence
    - Corruption
    - Criminal activity

    This suspension shall be enacted by an Executive Order, which must specify the grounds for suspension based on credible evidence or legal proceedings.

    Section 2: Immediate Effect of Suspension

    Upon issuance of the Executive Order by the Governor, the suspension of the prosecutor shall take effect immediately. The suspended prosecutor shall be barred from performing any duties associated with their office until a final decision is made by the Missouri Senate.

    Section 3: Senate Review

    Within ninety (90) days from the date of the suspension, the Missouri Senate shall convene to review the suspension. The Senate shall hold hearings where the suspended prosecutor, the Governor, or their representatives, and any relevant witnesses or evidence can be presented.

    Section 4: Senate Vote

    Following the review, the Missouri Senate shall vote on whether to uphold the suspension. A simple majority vote (50% + 1 of the total votes cast) shall be required to uphold the suspension and remove the prosecutor from office for the remainder of their term.

    Section 5: Replacement

    If the Senate votes to uphold the suspension:

    - The Governor shall appoint an interim prosecutor to serve for the remainder of the term.
    - The Senate must confirm this appointment by a simple majority vote within thirty (30) days of the appointment.

    Section 6: Definitions

    - Dereliction of Duty: Willful or negligent failure to perform the duties of the office as required by law or by the standards of the profession.
    - Gross Negligence: A conscious and voluntary disregard of the need to use reasonable care, which is likely to cause foreseeable grave injury or harm to public interest.
    - Corruption: The misuse of public power for private gain, including but not limited to bribery, embezzlement, or any act of official misconduct for personal benefit.
    - Criminal Activity: Any act that constitutes a felony or misdemeanor under state or federal law.

    Section 7: Judicial Review

    Any decision by the Governor to suspend or by the Senate to uphold the suspension may be subject to judicial review in the Missouri Supreme Court for procedural compliance with this amendment. 

    Section 8: Amendment and Ratification

    This amendment shall be placed on the ballot for approval by the voters of Missouri. If approved by a majority of voters, it shall become part of the Missouri Constitution.

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  5. Madam President, 

    I stand against this program. Expansion of housing vouchers will not solve the problem of unaffordable housing. These are demand-side-targeted solutions, but what we need are solutions that aim to increase the supply. All this will do is stimulate demand further and continue the wild inflation in housing costs we are currently seeing. This is a short-sighted solution arrived at because it’s the easiest thing politicians can do to say they are solving the issue, but a truly effective solution requires more effort and care. This will only increase costs on taxpayers and consumers more broadly. 

    Also, Madam President, I believe it is time to end debate. I yield. @TedderBear

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  6. Character: Samuel William Madison
    City/County: St. Louis County (MO) - St. Louis Suburbs

    - Samuel W. Madison is fighting for a freer Missouri that ensures a better business climate primed for growth and opportunity. 
    - Madison supports lowering taxes, including moving away from harmful income taxes and eventually joining states like Texas, Tennessee, and Mew Hampshire in having no state personal income tax. He also supports lowering corporate income taxes, empowering job creators to invest and grow in the Show Me State. 
    - Madison supports robust infrastructure investment that takes advantage of Missouri’s natural resources and geographical position in the center of the country. He will continue to support investment in better roads and bridges while building out Missouri’s energy production capacity. 
    - Madison is also working to oppose crime, from murder and rape to organized retail theft chains that make Missouri’s cities more dangerous and destroy lives and economic opportunity every day. He will oppose efforts to defund the police and work to bolster the criminal justice system statewide, from small towns in the Ozarks to big metropolitan cities like St. Louis and Kansas City. 
    - Samuel W. Madison will oppose destructive progressive policies that force intrusive government solutions on the economy and exacerbate social issues and crime in the name of leftist ideology. 

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  7. Artist: Aloysius "Mud" Devadander Abercrombie
    Genre: Rock
    Recording Studio: Legacy Recording Experience ($50,000)
    Marketing Budget: Large ($1,000,000)

    (Verse 1)
    In the quiet of our town, where the night falls deep,
    We used to laugh and dream, now we're lost in sleep,
    There's a shadow that's fallen, over hearts once so pure,
    A silent killer, leaving emptiness for sure.

    Oh, the pills they offer, a fleeting relief,
    But they steal our joy, like a thief in the night,
    We're mourning the lost, the friends we once knew,
    In this town of sorrow, we're singing the blues.

    (Verse 2)
    I see the homes, once filled with light, now they're dim,
    The laughter's gone, replaced by a silent hymn,
    My friends, they're slipping, through my desperate hands,
    In the grip of addiction, where no one understands.

    Oh, the pills they offer, a fleeting relief,
    But they steal our joy, like a thief in the night,
    We're mourning the lost, the friends we once knew,
    In this town of sorrow, we're singing the blues.

    There's a whisper in the wind, of battles we've fought,
    But we stand by the graves, where our tears are wrought,
    For every soul, every life that's been taken,
    We'll keep their memory alive, though our hearts are shaken.

    [Haunting guitar solo]

    (Verse 3)
    I've watched the years pass, with hope fading slow,
    Searching for a dawn, where we might let go,
    But until that day comes, we'll hold onto our fight,
    For the love that remains, in the dimming light.

    Oh, the pills they offer, a fleeting relief,
    But they steal our joy, like a thief in the night,
    We're mourning the lost, the friends we once knew,
    In this town of sorrow, we're singing the blues.

    So here's to the memories, of the ones we've lost,
    In this somber silence, we're counting the cost,
    We'll keep singing this song, for the pain that we've seen,
    Hoping one day, we'll find peace, in this town of the clean.

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  8. Artist: Aloysius "Mud" Devadander Abercrombie
    Genre: Rock
    Recording Studio: Legacy Recording Experience ($50,000)
    Marketing Budget: Large ($1,000,000)

    (Verse 1)
    In the jungle's heart, where shadows dance,
    I walked alone, with no second chance,
    With every step, through the thick and the mire,
    I sought my peace, amidst the fire.

    Oh, the echoes of war, they linger in my ear,
    A solemn tune, for all that I've seen here,
    With every chord, I'm searching for light,
    In the heart of darkness, through my endless night.

    (Verse 2)
    The nights were long, under the canopy's veil,
    My dreams of home seemed so frail,
    With my guitar's cry, cutting through the pain,
    I sang for meaning, in the pouring rain.

    Oh, the echoes of war, they linger in my ear,
    A solemn tune, for all that I've seen here,
    With every chord, I'm searching for light,
    In the heart of darkness, through my endless night.

    My guitar weeps, like the tears I couldn't shed,
    For every brother, every soul that bled,
    In the silence, after my guns were still,
    I found my peace, in the will to heal.

    [Poignant electric guitar solo]

    (Verse 3)
    Back to the world, where they couldn't understand,
    The scars I carried, the invisible band,
    But in my heart, the music plays,
    A testament to those long, lost days.

    Oh, the echoes of war, they linger in my ear,
    A solemn tune, for all that I've seen here,
    With every chord, I'm searching for light,
    In the heart of darkness, through my endless night.

    Now my war is done, but the song remains,
    For every soldier, in the memory's chains,
    In the solemn rock, my story unfolds,
    A quest for peace, in the stories untold.

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  9. Artist: Aloysius "Mud" Devadander Abercrombie
    Genre: Metal
    Recording Studio: Legacy Recording Experience ($50,000)
    Marketing Budget: Large ($1,000,000)

    In the shadows of the morning light,
    Where the eagle's wings take flight,
    We stand with hearts of fire and steel,
    For God, for country, we will kneel.

    Hear the thunder, feel the quake,
    Our resolve, no one can break,
    With every breath, we swear to fight,
    In the name of what is right.

    We're the warriors, born of flame,
    In this battle, we'll not be tamed,
    Guitars scream like the winds of war,
    For God and country, evermore.

    Beneath the flag, our spirits rise,
    Through the smoke and battle cries,
    With faith as our unyielding guide,
    In this struggle, we'll abide.

    Hear the thunder, feel the quake,
    Our resolve, no one can break,
    With every breath, we swear to fight,
    In the name of what is right.

    We're the warriors, born of flame,
    In this battle, we'll not be tamed,
    Guitars scream like the winds of war,
    For God and country, evermore.

    When the night is long and dark,
    We'll be the spark, the guiding mark,
    With heavy hearts and heavier sound,
    We'll bring the fight, the world around.

    [Heavy guitar solo, evoking the spirit of battle and triumph]

    We're the warriors, born of flame,
    In this battle, we'll not be tamed,
    Guitars scream like the winds of war,
    For God and country, evermore.

    As the last note fades away,
    In our hearts, the fire will stay,
    For God, for country, we'll stand tall,
    Until the final curtain fall.

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