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Tuna last won the day on September 14

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  1. It says you are "Rishi Sunak (R-GA)"
  2. Unfortunately, this seat is Blue at the moment. You may choose any seat in the Senate that is currently red.
  3. Players may submit ONE Dark Secret for their character by creating a thread with your character's name here. This Dark Secret will be graded and approved by the Administrative Board with a commensurate reward determined by the severity of the secret and the risk of it being leaked. Upon receiving your Dark Secret Score, you may then use your score to secretly upgrade your Special Talents levels by replying in your character's Dark Secrets thread. Dark Secret System Severity + Vulnerability = Dark Secret Score Score of 2 = 1 additional level for Special Talent Dark Secret Score of 3 = 2 additional levels for Special Talent Dark Secret Score of 4 = 3 additional levels for Special Talent Dark Secret Score of 5 = 4 additional levels for Special Talent Dark Secret Score of 6 = 5 additional levels for Special Talent Vulnerability (Player determined) Level 1: Annual dice roll. If number comes up 2, dark secret exposed Level 2: Biannual dice roll. If number comes up 2, dark secret exposed. Level 3: Quarterly dice roll. If number comes up 2, dark secret exposed Severity (AB graded) Level 1: Past affairs or minor offenses Level 2: Severe personal scandal or recent minor offense (DUI, sexual affair) Level 3: Illegal activity, felonies, misdemeanors, abusive behavior, High Crime
  4. VGS R19 CHARACTER CREATION STATION The character creation system is devised to help players come up with realistic, competitive biographies. As always, you may elaborate with a detailed biography after providing the requested information. Each person gets 100 points as a baseline. Please calculate your biography's points and list them in your sign-in post. Name: Choose a name. Seat: Choose your Senate seat based off of the Senate Roster Party: Be a Republican or a Democrat or an Independent caucusing with either of them as long as it matches your seat. (If you wish to play an Independent that does not currently hold the seat please contact the AB.) Avatar: Your avatar, of course, is a real person. Let us know who that person is so that the AB knows who you are when we're writing articles. As we have entered the AI age, AI creations are also accepted so long as they are realistic. Major Caucus: Choose your major based on your character's beliefs. (One character can only be a member of one major caucus) Special Talent: (see Special Talent Section) Dark Secret: (CLICK HERE) DEMOCRATIC Blue Dog Coalition - Tale as old as time, Blue Dogs are the moderate Democrats that promote strong defense, fiscal responsibility, and finding bipartisan consensus. (examples: Jon Tester, Mark Warner, Joe Manchin, Mary Peltola) New Democrats/Third Way - The bridge between the Blue Dogs and Progressives. Liberal on domestic and social issues, generally center-left on economic and foreign policy. (examples: Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Gretchen Whitmer) Progressives Democrats - These are your left-leaning Democrats and proud New Deal liberals. Liberal and generally dovish on foreign policy. (examples: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sherrod Brown) REPUBLICAN Mainstreet Republican Committee - The present and still effective center to center-right faction of the Republican Party. Where the mavericks and dealmakers live. Socially moderate, economically center-right, strong on national defense. (examples: Nikki Haley, Mitt Romney, Chris Christie, Susan Collins) Study Committee - The bridge between the moderates and hardcore conservatives. Filled with Reaganites, Compassionate Conservatives, and party-line supporters, among others. (examples: Mitch McConnell, Mike Johnson, Tim Scott, Mike Pence) Freedom Caucus - The rabble rousers, most conservative wing of the Republican Party. Home of right-wing Libertarians, populists, and hardliners. (examples: Mike Lee, JD Vance, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz) GENDER: Male: 0 Points Female: 10 Points Non-Binary/Transgender: 50 Points for Democrats, ineligible for Republicans AGE: 39 years or younger: 20 Points 40-44 years old: 10 Points 45-49 years old: 5 Points 50-65 years old: 0 Points 66-70: -5 Points 71-75: -10 Points 75 or older: -15 Points SEXUALITY: (Please be descriptive with this section for purposes of the Dynamic Events System) Straight, married with < 3 children: -5 Points Straight, married with > 3 children: 0 Points Straight, unmarried, no children: 5 Points Straight, unmarried, with children: 25 Points for Republicans, 20 Points for Democrats Straight, divorced, with or without children: 20 Points Openly Homosexual: 50 Points for Republicans, 15 Points for Democrats RACE/ANCESTRY: White/Caucasian: 0 Points Black: 20 Points for Republicans, 10 Points for Democrats Hispanic/Latino: 10 Points Sephardic/Ashkenazi/Mizrahi Jew: 10 Points Asian/Pacific Islander: 10 Points for Republicans, 5 Points for Democrats (0 points for Pacific Islander in HI) Arab: 35 Points for Republicans, 20 Points for Democrats RELIGION: Evangelical or Mainline Protestant: 0 Points Roman Catholic: 0 Points Jewish: 5 Points (0 points if Race Ancesty is Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Mizrahi) Mormon: 20 Points (0 points in UT, ID, WY, AZ) Greek or Russian Orthodox: 15 Points Jehovah's Witness or Other Christians: 30 Points Atheist: 50 Points for Republicans, 15 Points for Democrats Muslim: 50 Points for Republicans 25 Points for Democrats Buddhist: 50 Points for Republicans, 25 Points for Democrats Hindu: 50 Points for Republicans, 25 Points for Democrats Other Religion: 35 Points EDUCATIONAL HISTORY: College Degree at Top University/Ivy University: 0 Points Bachelor’s Degree College Degree at (non-Ivy Level) Public/Private University: 5 Points Master's Degree (incl. JD): 0 Points (5 for Top/Ivy University) Doctoral Degree: 10 Points (add 5 for Private University, 10 for Top) No College Degree: 20 points SOCIOECONOMIC HISTORY: Super-Rich (Top 1%): 5 Points Top 5%: -10 points Upper Class: -5 points Middle/Working Class: 15 points Child of Immigrant: 15 points Immigrant: 20 points CAREER HISTORY: Appointed Judge: 15 points (You must have at least 15 years experience as a lawyer first) Activist: 10 points Artist: 10 points Astronaut: 25 points Athlete: 15 points Blue-collar management: 15 points Blue-collar worker: 10 points Business Associate: 10 points Business Executive: 20 points CEO: 30 points (no Fortune 500 companies) Doctor: 10 points Emergency Services: 15 points Entrepreneur/Business Founder: 30 points Foreign Service: 20 points Ivy League Professor: 30 points (Must hold Doctoral Degree) Lawyer: 10 points (To start your own firm, add 5 points) Police Officer: 5 points Police Captain: 10 points State trooper: 10 points Enlisted Military: 0 Points Commissioned Officer (O-1 to O-5): 10 Points Non-Commissioned Officers (E-5 and above): 5 Points Senior Commissioned Officer (O-5 or O-6: 20 Points General/Flag Officer (O-7+): 40 points Nurse: 5 points (10 if male) Pilot: 5 points Local Political Staffer: 1 points State Political Staffer: 5 points Federal Political Staffer: 10 points Print Journalist: 5 points Private School Administration: 15 points Private School Professor: 15 points (Must hold Doctoral Degree) Private School Subject Teacher: 15 points Public School Administration: 15 points Public School Professor: 10 points (Must hold Doctoral Degree) Public School Subject Teacher: 15 points Radio Host: 10 points Religious Ministry: 20 points Social Worker: 5 points (10 if Republican) Spouse of Famous Person: 30 Points (must receive AB approval first) Teacher working with Disadvantaged Students: 30 points Television Host: 15 points To become well-known in your field, double your points. If your chosen career is not listed here, please contact an admin. AWARDS AND EXTRAS: Published an academic book (for Professors only): 10 points Published a book: 10 points Major cultural award: 15 points Major academic award: 25 points Major military award, Non Medal of Honor (must have Military career): 10 points Medal of Honor (must have Military career): 25 points Related to a Famous Politician or Person: 20 Points (must receive AB approval first) POLITICAL EXPERIENCE HISTORY: NOTE: Should you hold any prior political experience, you will in general inherit the legislative record - but not the personal record - of the RL person you are replacing. If you are replacing a partisan official (i.e. Governor, U.S. House Member, U.S. Senator), you must match the party of that officeholder for the period that they were in office (i.e., if you were Governor of Pennsylvania from 2003-2011, you would be replacing Ed Rendell and therefore must be a Democrat). Senate Terms: 5 points (Not counting your current term) Senate Subcommittee Chair/RM: 3 points per Congress (you must have served at least 1 term in the Senate before assuming this role) Senate Committee Chair/RM: 5 points per Congress (you must have served at least 2 terms in the Senate and 3 Congresses as a Subcommittee Chair/RM before assuming this role) House of Representatives Terms: 3 points (not counting your current term) House of Representatives Subcommittee Chair/RM: 2 point per Congress House of Representatives Committee Chair/RM: 4 points per Congress (you must have served at least 5 terms in the House and 2 Congresses as a Subcommittee Chair/RM before assuming this role) State Legislature Term: 2 points for upper house, 1 point for lower house State Supreme Court: 5 points per term State Row Office (excl. Lt. Gov.): 5 points per term Lieutenant Governor: 8 points per term Governor: 20 points per term Cabinet: 20 points per Presidential term Sub-Cabinet: 10 points per Presidential term City Council (population <50,000): 1 point per term City Council (population >50,000): 2 points per term City Council (population >100,000): 3 points per term Mayor (population <50,000): 2 points per term Mayor (population >50,000): 3 points per term Mayor (population >100,000): 5 points per term Mayor (population >250,000): 10 points per term Local Judge: 2 points per term KEY VOTES: Each Congress that you were a US Senator or a US Congressman you must list how you voted on the Key votes listed by congress on the next post. For 5 points per vote you can add another key vote that goes against how your party or your character in general voted on a bill as long as it does not break the following rules: 1) The vote was not on a unanimous by your party (ie no votes the other way abstentions do not count) 2) Your key vote will not change the results of the vote. Buying a key-vote outlines to the AB and other Players that your vote came with the leg work from either your character, opposition party, or the media to make sure that the vote is remembered, and there for subsequent campaigning on it will be more a position where the media and people remember how you voted. Key votes: While votes that are older matter less, for being campaigned against, going to far liberal or conservative for your state based on the votes can hurt your ARs even today. Only listed back to the 96th Congress if you served before that please message an admin to get Key votes. 96th Congress 1979-1981 Both: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 97th Congress 1981-1983 Both: Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 98th Congress 1983-1985 (Republicans who want to oppose this bill should say they voted nay on the house version and abstained on the final vote.) Both: Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act of 1983 99th Congress 1985-1987 Republicans: Tax Reform Act of 1986 Democrats: Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 100th Congress 1987-1989: Republicans: Civil Liberties Act of 1988 Democrats: McKinney–Vento Homeless Assistance Act 101th Congress 1989-1991: Republicans: Civil Rights Act of 1990 Democrats: Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 102th Congress 1991-1993: (This is a really boring congress, have an easy one) Both: Former Soviet Union Demilitarization Act of 1992 103th Congress 1993-1995: Both: North American Free Trade Agreement 104th Congress 1995-1997: Republicans: Helms–Burton Act Democrats: Defense of Marriage Act 105th Congress 1997-1999: Republicans: Balanced Budget Act of 1997 Democrats: Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 106th Congress 1999-2001: Republicans: Legal Immigration Family Equity Act Democrats: Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act 107th Congress 2001-2003: Republicans: Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act Democrats: Homeland Security Act of 2002 108th Congress 2003-2005: Republicans: Intelligence_Reform_and_Terrorism_Prevention_Act Democrats: Unborn Victims of Violence Act 109th Congress 2005-2007: Republicans: Dominican Republic–Central America Free Trade Agreement Democrats: Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act 110th Congress 2007-2009 Republicans: Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007 (H.R. 976) Democrats: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 Amendments Act of 2008 111th Congress 2009-2011 Republicans: Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010 Democrats: Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 112th Congress 2011-2013 Republicans: American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 Democrats: United States–Colombia Free Trade Agreement 113th Congress 2013-2015 Republicans: Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 Democrats: Nuclear option Use 2013 Nominations except the Supreme Court) 114th Congress 2015-2017 Republicans: USA FREEDOM Act Democrats: Keystone Pipeline Approval Act 115th Congress 2017-2019 Republicans: Health Care Freedom Act of 2017 Democrats: Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act 116th Congress 2019-2021 Republicans: Trump Impeachment Articles I and II Democrats: United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) SPECIAL TALENT: Players will begin by choosing one Level 1 Special Talent to start with from the list of Rhetorician, Regular Joe, Bankroller, Party Boss, or Lion. Players will see their Special Talent upgraded/downgraded or new Special Talents added based on their performance and activity. Special Talent ratings will be updated every six months IG. If you are interested in further boosting your character's Special Talent levels when signing in your character, you may submit a Dark Secret to receive a Secret Special Talent uprade. Rhetorician: (receives boost in grade for speeches) Level 1 = Speech Grade Boost: 2.5% (e.g. 70/100 to 72.5/100) Level 2 = Speech Grade Boost: 5% (e.g. 70/100 to 75/100) Level 3 = Speech Grade Boost: 7.5% (e.g. 70/100 to 77.5/100) Level 4 = Speech Grade Boost: 10% (e.g. 70/100 to 80/100) Level 5 = Speech Grade Boost: 15% (e.g. 70/100 to 85/100) Regular Joe: (receives boost of support among independents and opposition party voters) Level 1 = Support Boost w/Indies, Opp Party Voters: +1% Level 2 = Support Boost w/Indies, Opp Party Voters: +2.5% Level 3 = Support Boost w/Indies, Opp. Party Voters: +4.5% Level 4 = Support Boost w/Indies, Opp. Party Voters: +7% Level 5 = Support Boost w/Indies, Opp. Party Voters: +10% Bankroller: (receives a fundraising boost) Level 1 = Fundraiser Grade x 1.1 Level 2 = Fundraiser Grade x 1.2 Level 3 = Fundraiser Grade x 1.25 Level 4 = Fundraiser Grade x 1.5 Level 5 = Fundraiser Grade x 1.75 Party Boss: (candidates endorsed during primary get boost) Level 1 = +3% boost Level 2 = +5% boost Level 3 = +7.5% boost Level 4 = +10% boost Level 5 = +15% boost Lion: (Boost to Legislative Influence) Level 1 = IVS x 1.1 Level 2 = IVS x 1.2 Level 3 = IVS x 1.25 Level 4 = IVS x 1.5 Level 5 = IVS x 1.75
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