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  1. It is my honour and duty to catch your mistakes.
  2. There's a specific subforum for voting records that this should probably get moved into @TedderBear
  3. There's a specific subforum for voting records that this should probably get moved into @TedderBear
  4. From the Office of Sen. Richard Albion FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: 2024 albion speech to ohio chamber of commerce KICKSTARTING THE AMERICAN ECONOMY, BENEFITING OHIOANS Albion spoke to the Ohio Chamber of Commerce about his new campaign to Kickstart the U.S. Economy COLUMBUS, OH | Good afternoon, folks. It’s great to be back home in Ohio, and I want to thank the Ohio Chamber of Commerce for having me here today. You know, I spend a lot of time in Washington, D.C., and while I’m proud to serve our country, there’s nothing quite like being back where I belong—among the hardworking men and women who make Ohio the best place in America to live, work, and raise a family. Now, I want to talk to you about something that I think matters to every single one of us, whether you’re running a small shop in downtown Dayton, a farm out in Chillicothe, or a factory up in Cleveland. It’s about jobs, opportunity, and making sure Ohio stays at the heart of America’s economic future. You may have heard me talk about my new initiative, Kickstart the U.S. Economy, and I’ll tell you why I’m so excited about it. It’s a set of common-sense policies that aim to do one simple thing: get America’s economy firing on all cylinders again. And when I say America, you can bet I’m talking about Ohio. Now, there are a few bills I’ve introduced that I believe will make a real difference, and I want to explain how they’re going to help businesses like yours—big and small. First, let’s talk about manufacturing. Ohio’s history is built on manufacturing—steel, autos, machinery—you name it, we’ve done it. But over the years, we’ve seen a lot of that work move overseas. I know that’s hit many of you hard. And it’s hit our communities even harder. When factories close, jobs disappear, and families struggle. That’s why I introduced the Manufacturing Competitiveness and Investment Act, which focuses on bringing those jobs back home. What this bill does is pretty simple. It gives companies financial incentives—tax breaks, grants, you name it—to bring manufacturing back to American soil. And let me tell you, Ohio is poised to be a big winner here. We’ve got the workforce, we’ve got the infrastructure, and we’ve got the know-how. Imagine seeing new factories breaking ground right here in Ohio, hiring folks from your community, and providing good, steady jobs. That’s what this bill is all about—revitalizing the manufacturing industry so Ohio can reclaim its rightful place as a powerhouse of American production. Of course, it’s not just about factories. If you’ve ever driven on our highways, sat in traffic, or waited on a delayed shipment, you know that our infrastructure is in serious need of work. That’s where the National Infrastructure Modernization Fund comes in. This is a $1 trillion plan to rebuild and modernize our roads, bridges, railways, and broadband networks. Think about what that could mean for your business. Faster, more reliable transport means goods get where they need to be, on time, every time. Upgrading our broadband means more Ohioans—especially in rural areas—will have access to the internet, which is critical for running a business in today’s world. And every project that breaks ground creates jobs—thousands of jobs right here in Ohio. Whether you run a factory or a family-owned shop, infrastructure impacts your bottom line. This bill is about creating an environment where businesses can thrive because the foundation—the roads, the bridges, the technology—is strong and reliable. But it’s not enough to have the factories and the infrastructure. We need to make sure we’ve got the people with the skills to keep these businesses running smoothly. That’s why I introduced the Workforce Development and Skills Training Act. This bill focuses on closing the skills gap—because I hear it from business owners all the time: “Senator, we’ve got the jobs, but we don’t have the workers with the right skills.” Well, we’re fixing that. This bill will provide grants to businesses, community colleges, and technical schools to train workers in high-demand fields like manufacturing, healthcare, and technology. It’s a win-win: businesses get the skilled workers they need, and Ohioans get the good-paying jobs they deserve. And it doesn’t matter if you’re running a small business in Lima or a major operation in Cincinnati—this bill is designed to make sure that you have access to the talent you need to grow and succeed. So, what does all this mean for Ohio? It means more jobs, more growth, and more opportunity. It means our manufacturing sector will come roaring back. It means our roads, our bridges, our ports—everything that helps move goods and people—will be brought into the 21st century. And it means our workers will have the skills they need to compete and succeed in a global economy. For our small businesses, this means better access to technology, faster delivery of products, and a stronger local workforce. For our bigger industries, it means smoother operations, better supply chains, and fewer obstacles to growth. This is how we make Ohio a leader again—by investing in what makes us strong: our people, our industries, and our communities. Now, I know what you’re probably thinking: “Senator, this all sounds great, but will it actually happen?” Let me tell you, it will—because I’m working hard every day in Washington to get these bills across the finish line. And I’m not alone. These ideas have real bipartisan support. Why? Because they’re just good, solid, common-sense policies that help everyone. This is about making sure Ohio businesses—like yours—have what they need to not just survive, but thrive. It’s about making sure that when the rest of the country looks to see what economic strength looks like, they see Ohio leading the charge. So, as we move forward with the Kickstart the U.S. Economy campaign, I want you to know that I’m committed to doing everything I can to support the businesses and people of Ohio. You are the ones who make this state great, and I’m proud to represent you in Washington. In the coming months and years, I’ll be working to get these bills passed and make sure they’re making a difference here at home. I know it’s not always easy running a business, but I believe that with the right support, we can make Ohio the beating heart of the American economy once again. Thank you for your time, for your work, and for your faith in the future of our state. Together, we can build a brighter future for Ohio, and for generations to come. Thank you, and God bless Ohio! -- ENDS -- About Senator Robert Albion (R-OH): Senator Robert Albion has proudly represented the state of Ohio in the U.S. Senate for over three decades. A champion of fiscal responsibility, national security, and economic opportunity, he remains committed to advancing policies that strengthen both Ohio and the United States. For more information, visit www.albion.senate.gov or follow Senator Albion on social media. Contact Information: Jenna Rodriguez, Communications Director Phone: (202) 555-0294 Email: jenna.rodriguez@senate.gov Website: www.albion.senate.gov
  5. From the Office of Sen. Richard Albion FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: 2024 albion introduces workforce development, upskilling legislation BILL WILL EMPOWER AMERICAN WORKER AND BOOST THE US ECONOMY Upskilling the American workforce will create a more resilient economy WASHINGTON, DC | Today, Senator Robert Albion (R-OH) introduced the Workforce Development and Skills Training Act of 2024, a critical piece of legislation designed to equip American workers with the skills needed for the jobs of the future, while addressing key challenges facing the modern economy. As part of the broader Kickstart the U.S. Economy legislative campaign, this bill will help close the skills gap and create pathways to high-demand jobs in industries such as advanced manufacturing, green energy, technology, and healthcare. By establishing a National Workforce Reskilling Initiative, providing tax credits for employers, and fostering public-private partnerships, the bill seeks to empower everyday Americans to build successful, sustainable careers. The Act is structured to be revenue-neutral, ensuring that this investment in the country’s workforce is fiscally responsible while delivering widespread benefits. Senator Robert Albion remarked: "The American workforce is the heart of our economy, and as the world changes, we must ensure our workers have the skills they need to succeed. This bill is about opportunity—opportunity for the American worker to grow, to reskill, and to thrive in industries that are vital to our nation’s future." Benefits to the Nation and the Everyday American The Workforce Development and Skills Training Act of 2024 brings significant benefits to workers and businesses across the country: Job Creation and Economic Growth: By focusing on sectors that are driving future growth, such as clean energy and advanced manufacturing, the bill ensures that workers are prepared for the jobs that will keep America competitive in the global market. Opportunities for Displaced Workers: Workers displaced by automation or changes in industry will have new opportunities to reskill and transition into high-demand fields, reducing unemployment and promoting long-term economic stability. Support for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses: Tax credits will help employers invest in their workforce, making it easier for businesses of all sizes to offer training programs and ensure their employees are equipped to meet evolving industry needs. Strengthening Local Communities: With grants targeted to states and local institutions, the bill empowers communities to tailor workforce development programs to their unique needs, supporting both urban and rural areas alike. Public-Private Partnerships will play a vital role in delivering high-quality training programs, ensuring that businesses, educational institutions, and government agencies work together to build a robust workforce capable of driving America’s next wave of innovation and growth. Part of the Kickstart the U.S. Economy Legislative Campaign The Workforce Development and Skills Training Act of 2024 is a cornerstone of Senator Albion’s broader legislative campaign to Kickstart the U.S. Economy, which also includes the National Infrastructure Modernization Fund Act and the Manufacturing Competitiveness and Investment Act of 2024. Together, these bills aim to rebuild America’s supply chains, modernize infrastructure, and ensure that workers have the skills and support they need to excel in an evolving economy. Senator Albion commented further: "As we invest in our infrastructure and manufacturing, we must invest in our people. This bill is about making sure every American has the chance to participate in the next chapter of our nation’s prosperity. By empowering workers and businesses, we are laying the foundation for a stronger, more resilient economy." Revenue-Neutral Approach To ensure fiscal responsibility, the bill is designed to be revenue-neutral. This means that the costs of the workforce reskilling programs will be offset by: Reallocating unused funds from existing workforce development programs. Reducing administrative overhead by consolidating redundant job training efforts. Phasing out ineffective programs with low job placement rates, ensuring that every dollar is spent where it can make the greatest impact. This careful balance allows the bill to deliver meaningful change without adding to the federal deficit, reflecting Senator Albion’s commitment to responsible governance and long-term economic stability. -- ENDS -- About Senator Robert Albion (R-OH): Senator Robert Albion has proudly represented the state of Ohio in the U.S. Senate for over three decades. A champion of fiscal responsibility, national security, and economic opportunity, he remains committed to advancing policies that strengthen both Ohio and the United States. For more information, visit www.albion.senate.gov or follow Senator Albion on social media. Contact Information: Jenna Rodriguez, Communications Director Phone: (202) 555-0294 Email: jenna.rodriguez@senate.gov Website: www.albion.senate.gov
  6. The Workforce Development and Skills Training Act 2024
  7. From the Office of Sen. Richard Albion FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: 2024 albion champions infrastructure, introduces fund $1 TRILLION FUND PART OF BROADER PLAN TO KICKSTART U.S. ECONOMY Infrastructure modernization is a key part of creating a slick, powerful U.S. economy WASHINGTON, DC | Today, Senator Robert Albion (R-OH) introduced the National Infrastructure Modernization Fund Act of 2024, a pivotal piece of legislation aimed at revitalizing America’s economy through significant investments in the country’s infrastructure. This bill, which proposes $1 trillion in federal funding over a decade, forms a key component of Albion’s broader economic plan, which includes his previously introduced Manufacturing Bill—both of which are designed to restore America’s supply chain resilience, create jobs, and position the U.S. as a global leader in economic productivity. The National Infrastructure Modernization Fund Act seeks to address the country’s aging infrastructure, which has hindered both economic growth and the smooth functioning of critical supply chains. Senator Albion’s vision is to bring America’s infrastructure into the 21st century by upgrading transportation networks, expanding high-speed broadband access, and investing in energy grids capable of supporting renewable energy sources. Senator Robert Albion emphasized: "The strength of any nation’s economy is built on the foundation of its infrastructure. Our roads, railways, and energy systems are not just transportation routes—they are the arteries of our economy. By modernizing these crucial elements, we are ensuring that goods move faster, businesses grow stronger, and every American has access to the digital and physical resources they need to succeed." This bill comes alongside Senator Albion’s Manufacturing Bill, which focuses on revitalizing American manufacturing by providing tax incentives for domestic production and re-shoring critical supply chains, particularly in technology, pharmaceuticals, and clean energy sectors. Together, these bills represent a comprehensive approach to ensuring that America’s economic engine can thrive in the global marketplace. Together, these initiatives address two of the most significant challenges facing the U.S. economy—aging infrastructure and vulnerable supply chains. With the combined focus on modern transportation and domestic manufacturing, Senator Albion’s legislative agenda is designed to not only repair what is broken but to rebuild and future-proof America’s industrial base. Senator Albion further remarked: "Our economy cannot thrive if our infrastructure is stuck in the past. The National Infrastructure Modernization Fund is a commitment to ensuring that American industries have the tools they need to grow and compete. Paired with the Manufacturing Bill, this plan lays the groundwork for a strong, secure, and innovative economy that brings jobs back home and builds prosperity for generations to come." This plan is projected to create thousands of new jobs in both the infrastructure and manufacturing sectors, while reducing the vulnerability of U.S. supply chains to external shocks. It aims to lay a strong foundation for sustained economic growth, ensuring the U.S. remains at the forefront of global commerce and innovation. -- ENDS -- About Senator Robert Albion (R-OH): Senator Robert Albion has proudly represented the state of Ohio in the U.S. Senate for over three decades. A champion of fiscal responsibility, national security, and economic opportunity, he remains committed to advancing policies that strengthen both Ohio and the United States. For more information, visit www.albion.senate.gov or follow Senator Albion on social media. Contact Information: Jenna Rodriguez, Communications Director Phone: (202) 555-0294 Email: jenna.rodriguez@senate.gov Website: www.albion.senate.gov
  8. From the Office of Sen. Richard Albion FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: 2024 albion introduces manufacturing competitiveness and investment act A LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK TO REVITALIZE AMERICAN MANUFACTURING AND SECURE ECONOMIC GROWTH Ohioans, like many Americans, rely on a strong American manufacturing industry. WASHINGTON, DC | Today, Senator Robert Albion (R-OH) introduced the Manufacturing Competitiveness and Investment Act of 2024, a comprehensive legislative initiative designed to invigorate the U.S. manufacturing sector, stimulate private investment, and foster job creation in an increasingly competitive global economy. “At a time when our nation's economic resilience and industrial strength are being tested, it is imperative that we act decisively to restore America's leadership in manufacturing,” said Senator Albion. “This bill offers a thoughtful and pragmatic approach to addressing the challenges facing our manufacturing sector while positioning the United States to reclaim its position as a global manufacturing powerhouse.” The Manufacturing Competitiveness and Investment Act centers on three key pillars: targeted corporate tax relief for domestic manufacturers, incentives for capital investment and workforce development, and a streamlined regulatory framework that encourages efficiency while maintaining essential safeguards. Together, these provisions create a robust, sustainable framework for economic growth that will benefit workers, communities, and businesses alike. The bill introduces a 5% reduction in the corporate tax rate for manufacturing firms that derive the majority of their income from U.S.-based operations. “This targeted tax relief incentivizes firms to invest in our nation’s workforce, production capacity, and technological innovation, rather than offshoring jobs to less regulated markets,” Albion remarked. “By rewarding companies that commit to creating jobs and expanding their operations on American soil, we will see a resurgence in the industries that have long been the bedrock of our economy.” Additionally, the bill provides a 10% investment tax credit for manufacturers that modernize their facilities, invest in cutting-edge research and development, and upskill their workforce. Albion noted, “This investment tax credit is not merely about spurring economic growth; it is about preparing the American workforce for the future of manufacturing—one that is driven by advanced technologies, automation, and innovation. By encouraging companies to invest in both their workers and their facilities, we can ensure that our nation remains at the forefront of the next industrial revolution.” While addressing long-standing economic concerns, the Manufacturing Competitiveness and Investment Act also takes a forward-looking approach to small business support. "Small- and medium-sized manufacturers are essential to the fabric of the American economy,” said Albion. “This legislation provides them with the tools and resources they need to compete, innovate, and expand. By making tax credits refundable for smaller businesses and offering technical assistance through the Department of Commerce and the SBA, we are ensuring that these critical engines of growth are not left behind.” Senator Albion emphasized the broader implications of this legislation. “This bill is not only about Ohio or the Midwest—it is about ensuring that every American benefits from a strong, competitive manufacturing sector. Whether it is the resurgence of jobs in automotive production, the reshoring of critical industries such as pharmaceuticals and semiconductors, or the development of new technologies in advanced materials, this legislation provides a clear, sustainable path forward.” Recognizing the importance of fiscal responsibility, the bill includes provisions to offset its costs, including a 1% surcharge on corporate stock buybacks and limits on certain tax deductions for large corporations. “This is a balanced, thoughtful proposal that ensures we can invest in America’s future without unduly burdening taxpayers,” said Albion. Concluding his remarks, Senator Albion called on his colleagues from both sides of the aisle to support the bill. “Revitalizing American manufacturing is not a partisan issue; it is an economic imperative. The strength of our industrial base determines the strength of our nation, and with this legislation, we have a genuine opportunity to secure long-term prosperity for future generations. I look forward to working with my colleagues across the Senate to make this vision a reality.” -- ENDS -- About Senator Robert Albion (R-OH): Senator Robert Albion has proudly represented the state of Ohio in the U.S. Senate for over three decades. A champion of fiscal responsibility, national security, and economic opportunity, he remains committed to advancing policies that strengthen both Ohio and the United States. For more information, visit www.albion.senate.gov or follow Senator Albion on social media. Contact Information: Jenna Rodriguez, Communications Director Phone: (202) 555-0294 Email: jenna.rodriguez@senate.gov Website: www.albion.senate.gov
  9. Text of the Bill Plain English Summary: This bill proposes tax incentives to support and strengthen domestic manufacturing in the United States. The goal is to revitalize the manufacturing sector, encourage investment in capital improvements and workforce development, and create new jobs. Key Provisions: 1. Corporate Tax Reduction: Lowers the federal corporate tax rate by 5% for companies that earn most of their income from manufacturing within the U.S. To qualify, at least 80% of a company's income must come from domestic manufacturing activities. Companies will need to certify their manufacturing activities annually with the IRS. 2. Investment Tax Credit: Provides a 10% tax credit for manufacturers that invest in improving their facilities, training employees, or conducting research and development (R&D) within the U.S. The credit applies to the cost of new equipment, upgrades to facilities, workforce training programs, and R&D in manufacturing technologies. Small businesses will be able to carry forward unused credits for up to 10 years, and companies with fewer than 500 employees can receive a refundable tax credit. 3. Certification and Compliance: Companies claiming these tax benefits must file an annual report detailing their manufacturing activities, investments, and job creation. The IRS will conduct random audits to ensure companies comply with the requirements, with penalties for those that misrepresent their activities. 4. Support for Small Businesses: The Department of Commerce and the Small Business Administration (SBA) will help smaller manufacturers understand and apply for the tax benefits through educational programs, workshops, and online resources. 5. Offsets and Budgetary Impact: The bill is expected to reduce federal revenue by $50 billion over 10 years, but aims to generate private sector investments of $200 billion through these incentives. To offset costs, the bill introduces a 1% tax on corporate share buybacks and limits certain business expense deductions for large corporations.
  10. Legislative Initiatives of Robert Albion (R-OH) Bill Number Bill Title Description Role Outcome XX Manufacturing Competitiveness and Investment Act of 2024 To Provide Corporate Tax Incentives for Domestic Manufacturers Sponsor XX National Infrastructure Modernization Fund Act of 2024 To establish the National Infrastructure Modernization Fund for the purposes of upgrading and modernizing the United States' infrastructure, including roads, bridges, railways, broadband, and renewable energy projects, through public-private partnerships and federal investments. Sponsor XX Workforce Development and Skills Training Act 2024 To establish a national workforce reskilling initiative that supports vocational training and upskilling in high-demand industries, while being revenue-neutral through offsets in federal spending and the use of public-private partnerships. Sponsor XX Community Law Enforcement and Renewal Act To provide funding to improve local law enforcement capabilities through material support and provide funding for community development in areas of high crime. Co-Sponsor
  11. Voting Record of Robert Albion (R-OH) Bill Number Bill Title Description Vote Outcome
  12. From the Office of Sen. Richard Albion FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: [Insert Date] headline SUBHEADER Photo caption LOCATION, STATE | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed metus accumsan arcu tincidunt lobortis vel eget dolor. Sed ullamcorper dui a erat rutrum, in egestas purus lobortis. Nullam sit amet ornare elit. Vivamus sagittis gravida turpis, non ultricies odio varius non. Ut tortor turpis, faucibus vitae mauris condimentum, sollicitudin efficitur velit. Nam ultrices fermentum magna eu varius. Phasellus interdum, augue eu feugiat molestie, erat diam finibus ligula, at egestas elit nulla vitae tortor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris aliquet mauris non condimentum scelerisque. Pellentesque elementum massa ut semper porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus ac massa faucibus, laoreet neque sit amet, faucibus ex. Quisque ac quam sed sapien lobortis tristique. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce vulputate scelerisque suscipit. Morbi mauris ligula, aliquam et erat nec, porta sollicitudin dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. "Cras ultrices, orci et malesuada accumsan, est orci suscipit libero, et facilisis purus risus ac velit." Maecenas pharetra lectus et nunc dignissim, eu pharetra nunc condimentum. Praesent mauris magna, pharetra ut molestie vel, pellentesque vitae sem. Duis quis risus vel est mattis laoreet. Suspendisse pulvinar libero quis odio dapibus ultricies. Maecenas tristique sit amet mauris in cursus. Curabitur ultrices sem vel erat dictum, consequat imperdiet eros ultrices. Vestibulum mi nulla, porttitor eget facilisis nec, dictum vel justo. Duis odio nibh, interdum sit amet nulla pharetra, tristique tempor velit. Integer vestibulum posuere massa, quis efficitur dolor rutrum nec. Etiam eu suscipit risus. Aliquam mauris arcu, suscipit a congue ut, accumsan a nisl. Sed id augue at nisl sollicitudin bibendum. -- ENDS -- About Senator Robert Albion (R-OH): Senator Robert Albion has proudly represented the state of Ohio in the U.S. Senate for over three decades. A champion of fiscal responsibility, national security, and economic opportunity, he remains committed to advancing policies that strengthen both Ohio and the United States. For more information, visit www.albion.senate.gov or follow Senator Albion on social media. Contact Information: Jenna Rodriguez, Communications Director Phone: (202) 555-0294 Email: jenna.rodriguez@senate.gov Website: www.albion.senate.gov
  13. Press Office of Robert Albion Republican Senator for Ohio Robert Albion, a veteran Republican Senator from Ohio, has served in the U.S. Senate for over three decades. A Harvard-educated lawyer with a distinguished military background, Albion began his career as a prosecutor before being elected to the Ohio State Senate. Known for his pragmatic conservatism and legislative acumen, he has played a key role in shaping national defense policy, tax reform, and trade agreements. Over his tenure, Albion has built a reputation as a principled yet adaptable leader, balancing the needs of his constituents with a commitment to fiscal responsibility and American exceptionalism. He is regarded as a senior statesman within the Republican Party, often sought for his strategic counsel and bipartisan diplomacy. Albion's Team Chief of Staff: Sarah "Sally" Patel Sally Patel, a British-Indian American, earned her law degree from Georgetown and has over 20 years of experience in government. She began her career in the Justice Department before transitioning to Capitol Hill, where she worked as a legislative aide and later became the Deputy Chief of Staff for a prominent Senate committee. Known for her sharp political instincts and ability to build bipartisan coalitions, Sally is Robert Albion’s most trusted advisor, managing his team and legislative priorities with precision. Legislative Director: Marcus Washington Marcus Washington, a graduate of Howard University with a degree in political science and a master’s in public policy from Princeton, has spent a decade working on Capitol Hill. He previously worked as a legislative aide for the House Energy and Commerce Committee and has expertise in healthcare, economic policy, and energy reform. Marcus is known for his strategic thinking and for drafting impactful legislation that aligns with Senator Albion’s priorities. Domestic Policy Legislative Assistant: Olivia Kim Olivia Kim, a Korean-American policy expert, earned her law degree from Stanford and spent several years working with the Department of Health and Human Services on Medicaid and healthcare reform. She previously served as a senior domestic policy advisor for a Republican governor, focusing on social security, healthcare, and education. Olivia is highly regarded for her deep understanding of entitlement programs and her ability to propose fiscally sound reforms without compromising essential services. Foreign Policy Legislative Assistant: Jamal Hassan Jamal Hassan, a Lebanese-American graduate of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, has spent over a decade in international relations and defense policy. He previously worked as a foreign policy advisor at the State Department and later served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Jamal’s expertise in Middle East policy, defense procurement, and trade agreements has made him a vital asset in shaping Albion’s positions on international security and diplomacy. Energy and Environmental Legislative Assistant: Claire Thompson Claire Thompson, who holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Science from MIT, is an expert in energy policy and climate regulation. She spent six years as a senior advisor at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) before transitioning to Capitol Hill. Claire’s ability to balance industry interests with environmental protections has earned her a reputation as a pragmatic policymaker focused on sustainable energy solutions and regulatory reform that benefits both Ohio’s industrial base and national environmental goals. Tax and Budget Legislative Assistant: David Moretti David Moretti, with a master's degree in economics from the University of Chicago, has a background in tax law and budgetary policy. He spent years working as an advisor on the Senate Budget Committee, where he played a crucial role in drafting tax reform legislation and managing budget negotiations. Known for his strong command of fiscal policy and his commitment to reducing government spending, David ensures that Albion’s tax and budget proposals remain aligned with conservative principles while addressing Ohio’s economic needs. Communications Director: Jenna Rodriguez Jenna Rodriguez, a Latina political communications expert with a degree from NYU, honed her media skills as a press aide for two high-profile Republican Senate campaigns. She has a background in digital strategy and previously worked as a media consultant for several conservative PACs. Jenna is known for her ability to craft compelling narratives that resonate with both traditional and modern Republican bases, making her a key figure in managing Albion’s public profile. Political Director: Michael "Mike" Sullivan Michael Sullivan, an Ohio native, grew up in Dayton and holds a degree in Political Science from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. With over 15 years of experience in Ohio and national Republican politics, Mike started his career working on local campaigns before serving as a campaign manager for several Ohio congressional candidates. His deep connections within the Ohio GOP and his ability to craft effective political strategies have made him a trusted advisor to high-profile Republicans. As Robert Albion’s Political Director, Mike handles campaign strategy, fundraising, and party outreach, ensuring Albion remains influential both in Ohio and on the national stage. Known for his no-nonsense approach and loyalty to the party, Mike is an essential part of Albion’s political operations. Constituent Services Director: Brian Okafor Brian Okafor, a first-generation Nigerian American, holds a degree in public administration from Ohio State University and has over a decade of experience in public service. He previously worked in the Ohio governor's office as a community outreach coordinator before taking on a role in federal service. Brian is passionate about advocating for constituents and has a reputation for resolving complex federal issues, particularly for veterans and immigrant communities in Ohio. Executive Assistant: Danielle "Dani" Carter Danielle Carter, known as Dani, is a highly organized and detail-oriented professional with over a decade of experience in political administration. A graduate of Ohio State University with a degree in Political Science, she previously worked as a scheduler and administrative coordinator for a prominent Ohio congressman before joining Robert Albion’s team. Dani excels in managing complex schedules, coordinating travel, and ensuring that Senator Albion is fully prepared for legislative sessions, meetings, and public appearances. Her calm demeanor and exceptional multitasking abilities make her an indispensable part of Albion’s office. Office Locations Washington, DC Office (Capitol Hill) Russell Senate Office Building, Suite 248, Washington, DC, 20510 Phone Number: (202) 555-0121 Columbus Ohio (State Capitol) 77 South High Street, Suite 1020, Columbus, OH, 43215 Phone Number: (614) 555-0150 Cleveland Office (Northeast Ohio) 1240 East 9th St, Suite 1900, Cleveland, OH, 44114 Phone Number: (216) 555-0177 Cincinnati Office (Southwest Ohio) 525 Vine St, Suite 2300, Cincinnati, OH, 45202 Phone Number: (513) 555-0188 Toledo Office (Northwest Ohio) 405 Madison Ave, Suite 210, Toledo, OH, 43604 Phone Number: (419) 555-0202 Youngstown Office (Eastern Ohio) 20 Federal Plaza West, Suite 600, Youngstown, OH, 44503 Phone Number: (330) 555-0225 Press Releases 1. ALBION INTRODUCES THE MANUFACTURING COMPETITIVENESS AND INVESTMENT ACT | A legislative framework to revitalize American manufacturing and secure economic growth 2. ALBION CHAMPIONS INFRASTRUCTURE, INTRODUCES FUND | $1 trillion fund part of broader plan to kickstart U.S. economy 3. ALBION SPEECH TO OHIO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | Introduces campaign to Kickstart U.S. Economy
  14. Hi Tim, I just wanted to let you know that I've also created a bio for an Ohio Republican (based on believing you were trying to sign in a Georgia Republican) and I've done some pretty extensive work on the bio and pre-prepared a number of policies and bills that I was hoping to put forward under the assumption that I would be from Ohio. Is there any chance that you'd be willing to switch states, or should we allow the AB to make a call on this?
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