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Conrad last won the day on July 18

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  1. We're excited to introduce a new event system that will add depth and realism to your role as a U.S. Senator. This system will create a more immersive experience by connecting you with your home state, presenting unique challenges, and adding personal elements to your character's story. Home State Events Every quarter, there's a chance that a significant event will occur in your home state, requiring your attention and action. These events are generated randomly based on your state's characteristics. Event Types: - Natural Disasters (e.g., hurricanes, wildfires, floods) - Economic Crises (e.g., major employer leaving, industry downturns) - Social Issues (e.g., protests, cultural celebrations) - Infrastructure Problems (e.g., bridge collapses, water contamination) Your response to these events will affect your approval rating in your home state. You'll need to choose how to allocate resources, make public statements, or propose legislation in response. State-Specific Challenges Each state has unique ongoing issues that you'll need to address throughout your term. These challenges are based on your state's geography, economy, and demographics. Examples: - California: Ongoing drought and water management issues - Michigan: Revitalizing the manufacturing sector - Florida: Climate change and rising sea levels - West Virginia: Transitioning from coal-dependent economy You'll receive regular updates on these issues and will need to take action through proposing legislation, securing federal funding, or working with state officials. Personal and Family Events To add more depth to your character, you'll occasionally face personal or family events that can impact your political career. Event Categories: - Family: Illnesses, achievements, scandals - Personal: Health issues, academic accomplishments, financial matters - Career: Job offers, book deals, speaking engagements These events may require you to make choices that affect your public image or even your stance on certain issues. How It Works At the start of each in-game quarter, the system will roll for possible events in each category. So a player list is inputted and anyone who rolls over a certain amount (say 15 on a 20 dice), will have an event triggered. If an event occurs, you'll receive a notification with details and possible response options. You'll have a limited time to respond to the event (usually 48 real-world hours). Your choices will have consequences, affecting your approval ratings, relationships with other senators, and future events. Balancing these various events with your national responsibilities is the key to success.
  2. Character: John O'Connor City/County: Los Angeles County (CA) - Los Angeles . View full fundraiser
  3. Title: Reduce Sanctuary Cities State: Ohio The law the bill will change:: Sanctuary Policies Effect of the change:: Lower Sponsor: John O'Connor View full bill
  4. I'm John O'Connor, and I'm running to represent you because I believe in our community's values: hard work, personal responsibility, and limited government. Our county faces challenges, from revitalizing our local economy to protecting our traditional way of life. With your support, I'll fight to lower taxes, attract businesses, and defend our Second Amendment rights. Every dollar you contribute goes directly to spreading our message of conservative principles across Clark County. Whether it's $5 or $500, your donation will help us reach more voters and secure victory on election day. Join me in building a brighter future for Clark County. Together, we can make our community stronger and more prosperous. Thank you, and God bless America!
  5. Character: John O'Connor City/County: Hamilton County (OH) - Cincinnati I'm John O'Connor, and I'm running to represent you because I believe in our community's values: hard work, personal responsibility, and limited government. Our county faces challenges, from revitalizing our local economy to protecting our traditional way of life. With your support, I'll fight to lower taxes, attract businesses, and defend our Second Amendment rights. Every dollar you contribute goes directly to spreading our message of conservative principles across Clark County. Whether it's $5 or $500, your donation will help us reach more voters and secure victory on election day. Join me in building a brighter future for Clark County. Together, we can make our community stronger and more prosperous. Thank you, and God bless America! View full fundraiser
  6. Conrad

    John O'Connor

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